Open tcodes0 opened 4 years ago
also you could:
is a good one. Some eslint rules I use:no-shadow:
- error
- builtinGlobals: false
hoist: all
allow: []
# warn, code style
no-use-before-define: warn
no-confusing-arrow: warn
operator-linebreak: warn
object-curly-newline: warn
implicit-arrow-linebreak: warn
no-restricted-syntax: warn
new-cap: warn
camelcase: warn
no-else-return: warn
no-empty: warn
no-unused-expressions: warn
default-case: warn
# off, conflicts with or replaced by prettier
no-extra-semi: off
max-len: off
indent: off
arrow-parens: off
no-underscore-dangle: off
arrow-body-style: off
padded-blocks: off
spaced-comment: off
# off, code style
# rule meant to help with types, we use ts for it
consistent-return: off
# we use some requires inlin
global-require: off
# nothing wrong with var
no-var: off
# again, nothing wrong with var
prefer-const: off
# too useful to debug
no-console: off
# nothing wrong with continue
no-continue: off
You may want to install prettier to format code automatically
then setup a commit hook like this to run in each commit/push/etc... also use: husky, lint-staged
add --fix flag to auto fix issues
I don't use imports like this anymore because it doesn't scale very well after a certain size. Consider using typescript with tsconfig paths setting, to avoid
in imports, or use a babel plugin (maybe it's called root import I don't remember)why did you choose to have one challenge repo instead of one repo per challenge? If I want to check out challenge A and clone it I end up cloning challenges B C D too
over-engineering: just add
() => setIsEnabled((previousState) => !previousState)
directly to the prop. You can actually do() => setIsEnabled(!isEnabled)
should work about the same. The key idea here is to not add unnecessary stuff to the code, some things are just ugly and there's no fix to it, but the main problem is that "making the code nicer" is a very deep hole that will prevent you from shipping :)cotainer and wrapper mean the same thing: maybe not the best names to use. Besides this, your variable naming is REALLY GOOD.
usage of responsive lib here is great:
I personally think that having a folder for styles like this: is just "hiding the code" if you just put it all into the same file, it would look like a lot of code... which leads me to the next point:
I think this looks good: it's a well abstracted component with sub-components. I think this is too much JSX in the same place: you should break it down into components so it looks more like Home.js, and carry the styles together with the components, it makes sense to have them together because colocation is kinda good
this isn't even a lot of styling: ditch index.js and styles.js pattern and have them all in the same file, name the file Foo.js. It's better for you to find files and IDE too.
give components meaningful names to help debugging them:
version 16 has issues with multidex, it's safe to support 21 and up I think
enable hermes :D
add release signing config to buid signed apk for prod: change this line then:
ternaries like this are ok, but I don't think they're the best solution
It's a hard problem, but at some point in the furure maybe if need stuff like this, you need a component :thinking:
Keep up the good work ilda :D really nice to have people like you in the community