ildemartinez / OPC

OPC Library for Arduino
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Any plans to develop an OPCUA version? #1

Open nzfarmer1 opened 8 years ago

ildemartinez commented 8 years ago

For Arduino UNO maybe could be a bit heavy but maybe for YÚN could be possible. Any plan to use it in a real project to test it?

All the best ilde

Martimeus commented 8 years ago

Hi! I think a OPCUA Version running on either the Yùn or perhaps the zero would be very interesting to test out. I can think of multiple uses for this at my workplace, ranging from valve automation to pressure control just to mention a few things.

Regards, Martin

ildemartinez commented 8 years ago

Thank you Martin for the information and suggestions

At this moment I have no plans to integrate OPCUA because not enough time but maybe soon ;)

All the best ilde

dj-fiorex commented 6 years ago

Sorry to reopen this! But if you want i can help you making an UA version of your great job! I'm working on a simulation platform based on a cortex m0+ (feather m0 wifi) and i want to integrate OPCUA architecture! I saw this project ( but i can't build it with arduino ide!

ildemartinez commented 6 years ago


some Arduinos does not have enough power to server OPC UA....I am trying to do it with a Yun and OPC library from but need more space than the memory of the a progress work

maybe could start from there?

all the best ilde

dj-fiorex commented 6 years ago

Hello Arduino Yun have both linux and arduino core, but my platform is based only on arduino core, meanwhile i wrote to the open62541-arduino repo to ask some help :)

nzfarmer1 commented 6 years ago

You simply need to find an AT Mega based MCU that supports the hardware foot print necessary for the OPCUA stack and port accordingly.

ProximaB commented 6 years ago

I agree that this should be developed in OPC UA. At this moment this is working on COM/DCOM what is a huge drawback. There would be much more capabilities using Ethernet, you could use with phone etc. Then this project could become very useful.

rony91jp commented 3 years ago

I want to create an Arduino OPC UA server. Will it be possible to create an Arduino opc Ua server? Does Arduino equipped with OPC UA protocol?

nzfarmer1 commented 3 years ago

Not enough SRAM. You could start with an STM32 and it would be a worthy project. Run it on a linux flavoured RTOS.

rony91jp commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion. Could you provide me any source that will help me? I want to communicate via LAN cable and want to send sensor analog data to the the OPC UA client.

nzfarmer1 commented 3 years ago

You could start with something like this. But I think you may be underestimating the effort a bit.

dj-fiorex commented 3 years ago

Hi all, sorry for my delay on this topic, i'm stuck with porting Open62541 to my Feather M0 + WIZ5500 ethernet featherwing. I am not a cmake and code compilation expert so i have some trouble with this library! If anyone has made progress in the meantime let us know!