ildus / clickhouse_fdw

ClickHouse FDW for PostgreSQL
Apache License 2.0
248 stars 53 forks source link

Roadmap of clickhouse_fdw #23

Open lexaamn opened 4 years ago

lexaamn commented 4 years ago

Hi! I'm interested in roadmap of clickhouse_fdw in next some months. It's important for realistic planning. When current limitations of clickhouse_fdw will be finalized?

mkabilov commented 4 years ago

can you clarify the limitations you're talking about? what's important in your use case of clickhouse fdw?

lexaamn commented 4 years ago

For example, "group by", "limit" in other topics etc. May be 2 variants of migration from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse: 1) full and 2) mixed, when one part of database is remaining on PostgreSQL. In last case received data may be changed after saving in database. So I expect difficulties if operational data will be stored in ClickHouse's database straight away. I do not trust such operators "alter table ... update/delete". I think, operation data must be saved to ClickHouse when they will stop to change. Then database queries will be mixed becouse data will be distributed betweed 2 heterogeneous databases. So clickhouse_fdw must provide fewer restrictions possible, when heterogeneous query will be executed.

lexaamn commented 4 years ago

It's very important for me.

ildus commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delay. There is no such thing as a roadmap here, basically we just add features that we need in our workflow. I would suggest to try out your queries, in common cases they should work as expected and pushed down to ClickHouse. In the beginning of next year I'm planning to focus on stability and performance issues.

edgarsbuss commented 3 years ago

Can we expect implementation of https and secure binary connections?