ilg-archived / qemu

The GNU MCU Eclipse QEMU
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qemu crashes when asked to use unsupported board #39

Closed daveloyall closed 5 years ago

daveloyall commented 7 years ago


I am following the 'blinky' tutorial on the site. When I try to debug in qemu, it crashes with error code (return value) -1073741819. There is no text in the debugging console. I also get an 'application has stopped working' dialog:


So, I went to the command prompt and guessed how to invoke qemu. There is console output now:

d:\bin\GNU ARM Eclipse\QEMU\2.8.0-201612271623-dev\bin>qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse
.exe -d exec --board MCBSTM32F400 --mcu STM32F407IG --verbose --image d:\workspa

GNU ARM Eclipse 64-bits QEMU v2.8.0 (qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse.exe).

Supported boards:
  Maple                LeafLab Arduino-style STM32 microcontroller board (r5)
  NUCLEO-F103RB        ST Nucleo Development Board for STM32 F1 series
  NUCLEO-F411RE        ST Nucleo Development Board for STM32 F4 series
  NetduinoGo           Netduino GoBus Development Board with STM32F4
  NetduinoPlus2        Netduino Development Board with STM32F4
  OLIMEXINO-STM32      Olimex Maple (Arduino-like) Development Board
  STM32-E407           Olimex Development Board for STM32F407ZGT6
  STM32-H103           Olimex Header Board for STM32F103RBT6
  STM32-P103           Olimex Prototype Board for STM32F103RBT6
  STM32-P107           Olimex Prototype Board for STM32F107VCT6
  STM32F0-Discovery    ST Discovery kit for STM32F051 line
  STM32F4-Discovery    ST Discovery kit for STM32F407/417 lines
  STM32F429I-Discovery ST Discovery kit for STM32F429/439 lines
  generic              Generic Cortex-M board; use -mcu to define the device

But, I get the same crash... %ERRORLEVEL% reports the same code.

I tried some -d options to get more information, but none that I tried produced output. I'm not familiar with qemu.

What trouble shooting or log gathering steps would you recommend?

Thanks, --Dave

ilg-ul commented 7 years ago

thank you for the bug report, I'll fix the crash in the next release.

what QEMU is trying to tell you is to read carefully the blinky tutorial, since you used a not supported board name.

ilg-ul commented 5 years ago

Fixed on 2019-02-26.

The new code will issue "Error: Board '%s' is not supported." and exit(1).

ilg-ul commented 5 years ago

Fixed in 2.8.0-5.