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Conditional branch after if-then instruction not working #61

Closed higaski closed 5 years ago

higaski commented 5 years ago


There seems to be an issue with QEMU when debugging if-then condition blocks from the thumb2 instruction sets. The following snippet runs fine during normal execution, but keeps hanging at the conditional branch when debugging. The jump at the branch should only be executed as long as $r0 is lower than $r1. Problem is that once both are equal, the execution is not continued past the branch and the program counter never gets popped.

2000407a:   push    {lr}
2000407c:   movs    r0, r6
2000407e:   ldmia   r7!, {r1, r6}
20004080:   push    {r0, r1}
20004082:   str.w   r6, [r7, #-4]!
20004086:   ldr     r6, [sp, #0]
20004088:   pop     {r0, r1}
2000408a:   adds    r0, #1
2000408c:   cmp     r0, r1
2000408e:   itt     lt
20004090:   pushlt  {r0, r1}
20004092:   blt.w   0x20004082      ; unpredictable <IT:lt>  // <-- GDB hangs here
20004096:   pop     {pc}

I've captured some trace output for single stepping from the pushlt to the blt.w instruction with the trace arguments unimp, guest_errors, op, int, exec: qemu_trace_output.txt

The versions I've been running on are QEMU 2.8.0-3-20180523-0703 and arm-none-eabi-gdb 8.2.

QEMU was invoked via: qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse -S -s -verbose -semihosting-config enable=on,target=native -mcu STM32F407VG --image ELF.elf

and connected to by GDB via:

"file ELF.elf",
"target remote :1234",
"thb main",
ilg-ul commented 5 years ago

Sorry to hear that QEMU is no emulating correctly.

Unfortunately I'm not able to fix this, I only pack the original emulator and add the board definitions.

It would be interresting to test the same sequence of code on a recent QEMU, the problem might be already fixed.

higaski commented 5 years ago

Took me a while but I got QEMU 3.0.0 running and it has the same behavior. Looks like I'm gonna move that issue over to the QEMU repository. :)

ilg-ul commented 5 years ago

ok, please add a link here to the new issue.

higaski commented 5 years ago

Now reported here:

For some reason I was not able to reproduce the bug with code running from flash memory... But lets see if anyone over at QEMU has an idea.

/edit Just for reference. The bug is caused by the unpredictable branch instruction. I haven't noticed this before as I thought this was just GDB telling me it cant resolve the symbol at this address, but the instruction is actually marked as "unpredictable" by the ARM reference manual. According to the manual a branch instruction with encoding T3 is never allowed inside an IT block.

I just fixed the code and now QEMU is satisfied as well. The funny thing is... without QEMU I'd have probably never found this bug as the STM32L4 and F4 devices I tested this on execute the unpredictable branch just fine...