ilia3101 / MLV-App

All in one MLV processing app.
GNU General Public License v3.0
281 stars 29 forks source link

Release discussion v1.2 #120

Closed masc4ii closed 5 years ago

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

Hi guys,

I started adding the release v1.2 in release section. Please have a look... there were so many changings, I am really not sure if I forgot something. Please add it if so! Same question as always: are you ready for the release, or are there some smaller topics you are working on, which should be in this release too?

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

Will see tomorrow, sorry have to run now.

ilia3101 commented 5 years ago

I just wrote a debayer_whitebalance function like what AMaZE does just to put it in IGV and LMSSE, then I realised you guys had already put the white balance code in :rofl:

I am a little confused why are LMSSE and IGV so noticeably worse than AMaZE, in rawtherapee there seems to be less difference with LMSSE (though there is with IGV)

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

Oh, cool! Yes, I wrote it in the other two debayers. But for each debayer I adapted it a bit, because it needed some special things. Have a look. At AMaZE you just subtract 4000 for all averages (and it still works best), for the others I had to subtract black level for each value (worked better here), for IGV I had to invent some cheat factors for not getting blinking highlights... very strange (works, but I still don't understand why I need that). See thread #106 .

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

Same question as always: are you ready for the release...


ilia3101 commented 5 years ago

I added a .deb package to the release. Thanks @revast for the deb making help! edit: there's still some issues with it :/

ilia3101 commented 5 years ago

Ok I retract my deb for now it doesn't seem to work

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

One moment Ilia... Before I have to add the "1.2" label to the code! ;)

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

v1.2 label is there; OSX is uploaded.

ilia3101 commented 5 years ago

I won't be making a deb for this release :/

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

What's the problem exactly? And do you have an idea why we need different WB algorithms for different debayers?

ilia3101 commented 5 years ago

What's the problem exactly? And do you have an idea why we need different WB algorithms for different debayers?

The problem with deb is when it installs it won't run. I think I'm doing something wrong with file ownership and root or something like that. It's confusing.

The whitebalance... not sure. But I think if we actually had a correct way of white balancing it would be universal, but the ways we have are all a bit off and therefore needs to be tweaked for each algorithm. That's my best guess.

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

Hmmm... I had some such problems bringing appimage to work too.

Do you think, if the matrices stuff works, the debayers will bring better results? I don't understand why we need this WB calculations in the debayers at all. In other applications I don't find such code. How do they do that? Do they first WB and then debayer, then processing?

ilia3101 commented 5 years ago

No, the matrices stuff won't affect debayering, as it's applied only to a debayered colour image, and does nothing before. This """"""white balance""""" in debayering is just to make the details in each channel equally bright, so the debayer algorithm can correlate the channels better to do whatever they need to do to create detail. It has no effect on final image's white balance (as it's undone after debayer).

As for why you don't see it in other programs' code, I am not sure. Maybe they have worse debayering results than MLV App or it is just in a different place, disguised somehow.

edit: maybe white balance is not the best word for what we do in debayering, but the algorithm is like a simple auto white balance

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

Yes yes and yes. All is undone afterwards... If I test the same debayers in RAWTherapee, it looks better there. But I haven't found what they do here... What PhotoFlow (where I got IGV) does, I haven't seen, but here I found no such code too.

revast commented 5 years ago

hi, about the deb package: tried to compile master, had no problem to package... Anyways, I could help to fix yours ;-)

I have now tinkered around on how to make the experience of using MLVApp a better one on Linux.

now the problem:

other things I have found:

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

MLVApp does not seem to handle mlv files directly (any more?), thus associating the .mlv extension to MLVApp does not result in opening up the file in MLVApp - is this intended? Because when I simply want to play the files, it would be nice to only have to double click a file.

Nothing was changed, on Win & OSX it is still working. No idea why it does not work on Linux. Does Linux use a third different method here (OSX sends events, Windows sends arguments)?! Arguments are evaluated in MainWindow.cpp constructor, but Linux seems not to send arguments to an application: what I get is empty...

same with (c)DNG sequences.. would be nice to have just one frame doubleclicked and it just plays in MLVApp

MLVApp is not able to open cDNG.

when saving a Session, the .masxml extension is not automatically applied. for example, I want to save a "test.masxml" Session, then I cannot just write "test" and click save, I have to explicitly write "test.masxml" to save the file, or it would get saved without extension.

Have you compiled v1.2? This was fixed some weeks ago.

drag&drop a mlv/cDNG file onto MLVApp does also not work (hopefully yet ;-)

What is the problem here? Can you describe more precisely please? No such problem for me on Win&OSX&Linux. cDNG again can't work, because it is not supported.

v1.2 AppImage is uploaded now.

revast commented 5 years ago

MLVApp is not able to open cDNG.

ok, my bad - but would be nice if it could - I guess thats not too difficult as mlv files are packed cdng sequences anyways, right? shall I make a feature request issue?

Nothing was changed, on Win & OSX it is still working. No idea why it does not work on Linux. Does Linux use a third different method here?! What is the problem here? Can you describe more precisely please? No such problem for me on Win&OSX&Linux. cDNG again can't work, because it is not supported.

looks like I messed up something, looks like I had an 1.0 in path now.. my bad ;-)

Have you compiled v1.2? This was fixed some weeks ago. yes from master, today.. works now!

so what's left is:

I am still working on a proper way to automagically bind MLVApp to the new mimetypes. Most Debian package solve this by adding postinst scripts to the DEBIAN folder of the Package.

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

ok, my bad - but would be nice if it could - I guess thats not too difficult as mlv files are packed cdng sequences anyways, right?

Nope. It is very different, that is why it won't be easily done. Some parts of the app would not work at all with this (because not all metadata is included, which automates parts of the App), so complexity would rise a lot.

looks like I messed up something, looks like I had an 1.0 in path now.. my bad ;-)

Really? For me it doesn't open files by using an argument on Linux.

opening a .masxml file by either double clicking (with MLVApp bound to extension) or drag&drop onto MLVApp does not work for now.

Ahhh..., understand. Yes. masxml is not added here yet. I could do that...

Autoplay: do you really think that is a good idea? You'll bring the CPU to 100% immediatelly... first thing I would do is stopping the playback to be able to adjust sliders unhurriedly. And in many parts of the code I have to stop playback explicitely, to not wait for minutes for the App to be responsive again.

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

What PhotoFlow (where I got IGV) does, I haven't seen, but here I found no such code too.

I guess they color balance before debyer anyway somewhere else (wb in debayer source code is quite hackish) and I doubt they undo it elsewhere. They do either floating point processing in a whole pipeline or maybe doing some other tricks.

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

ok, my bad - but would be nice if it could - I guess thats not too difficult as mlv files are packed cdng sequences anyways, right?

Nope, far from it.

shall I make a feature request issue?

And again nope ;-)

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

@bouncyball-git : are you able to compile and upload Windows versions? If not, I could do 32bit...

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

Please do 32bit I will add 64 a bit later ok?

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

32bit is uploaded.

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

64bit is uploaded too (not published). Sorry about delay.

ilia3101 commented 5 years ago

hi, about the deb package: tried to compile master, had no problem to package... Anyways, I could help to fix yours ;-)

Don't worry about mine, not a big deal :)

Is the MLV App 1.2 deb in openartist now?

What PhotoFlow (where I got IGV) does, I haven't seen, but here I found no such code too.

I guess they color balance before debyer anyway somewhere else (wb in debayer source code is quite hackish) and I doubt they undo it elsewhere. They do either floating point processing in a whole pipeline or maybe doing some other tricks.

Yeah white balancing before debayer is not accurate as you can't use the scientific matrix method, also it is slow as it has to be debayered again each time white balance is adjusted.

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

also it is slow as it has to be debayered again each time white balance is adjusted

We are doing this in mlvapp anyway :)

ilia3101 commented 5 years ago

Don't worry we actually aren't (proof: it doesn't recache amaze cached when when white balance is changed)

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

Oh nice! Did not know this.