ilia3101 / MLV-App

All in one MLV processing app.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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v1.2 DUAL ISO problems are back.. #123

Closed gac123 closed 5 years ago

gac123 commented 5 years ago

so saturday i recorded the first show of my friends in dual iso seeing the v1.1 version fixed the dual iso problem, i was quite comfortable doing this

upon opeing mlv app i was pleasantly greeted with the "there's a new version" popup, so i decided to get the new and improved..

~8 hours later the 1 hour show was converted and there are problems every x frames... from a small blue line appearing at the top to (overexposed) highlights not being "un-dual-iso-ed"


so i re-export with v1.1 (and 8 hours later), no such problems, but (doh!) i forget to export with clog, so olé i'm exporting again for another 8 hours :) (how is the multi threaded thing moving along? :) )

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

Could you upload a clip for testing such issues please?

For the multithreading topic: we got more problems with that than it accelerated anything so this is stopped. Dualiso algorithms have to be written new from scratch for that.

gac123 commented 5 years ago

is there a way to cut a split mlv file? (total size is about 86GB)

maybe the issue is the same with my previous test clip (found here:!V1IiEKqC!K-YCjrQ7LOKwdXX5fv17xQ)

gac123 commented 5 years ago

just tested it with my previous test clip, export is fine with v1.2

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

You could cut it with MLVApp. Use CutIn&CutOut and export as MLV.

gac123 commented 5 years ago

done! i've compared my previous v1.2 export with the cut version on v1.2 and the results are not consistent

the errors are not seen in the preview, only in the export with prores 4444, duals iso on, and tonemapped alexa log c

edit: files also reside on that folder edit2: not consistent meaning that the one export (same settings, same version app), might not have the same problems on the same frame, there are still problems overall, but not consistent frame-specific it seems

gac123 commented 5 years ago

sorry, seems v1.1 does have the same issues (but not on the same frames as v1.2, seeing the cut export on v1.2 VS v1.2 also doesn't have the same exact problems consistently I was probably being naive)..

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

OK, will check again :smile:

gac123 commented 5 years ago

yea, i just drag and dropped the v1.1 export into the timeline on a frame where the error was from the v1.2 export and it was perfect so i ASS-U-ME-D v1.1 didn't have any problems, based on the previous testing we did ':-)

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

I guess those inconsistencies may be only because of open mp. Gotta check this by turning off, one by one, every loop pragmas.

Edit: open mp really gives boost about 2x for dual iso so it would be sad to turn it completely off.

gac123 commented 5 years ago

did some more testing... seems the errors in frame are gone when exporting dng uncompressed!

though there a new problem cropped up.. first I tried exporting dng lossless but I get the error "Could not save: ...dng How do you like to proceed?"

exporting dng uncompressed went without a hitch

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

Hm... it is really strange b/c I can't see any direct connection between lossless export and dual iso inconsistencies.

Lossless DNG has a quirck on some footage and I can not do anything about it (lj92 lib encoder issue). So your best bet always uncompressed.

However the issues you described have no relation to compression at all...

gac123 commented 5 years ago

maybe it's handed off differently to the encoders VS cDNG ?

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

Nope. I wrote this so I'm sure it handed of the same way. Difference is: for lossless, raw feed is going to compressor and for uncompressed just to bitpacker. Inconsistencies' happening way before those procedures, during low level raw correction/processing.

btw do you use some other processing e.g. pattern noise or something?

gac123 commented 5 years ago

oh no.. so after reexporting the whole thing again but this time in uncompressed cdng i've noticed here and there some highlights with "un-dual-iso-ed" artifacts so idd the problem is happening way before the hand off, it's just not so severe via cdng uncompressed

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

OK. I checked v1.1 vs v1.2 and now know what was my mistake (I changed a LOT since v1.1). It does not mean this will correct all of the issues v1.1 also had (e.g. some stripes in highlights), but there is some regression from v1.1 for some clips and it will be corrected.

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

@gac123: You can try the latest ver.

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

bildschirmfoto 2018-11-01 um 21 32 16 @bouncyball-git : you still know this? It is back... :( (2nd last master commit used)

gac123 commented 5 years ago

@bouncyball-git sorry, github is very confusing, where do I find the latest? on the releases page it still only shows v1.2

gac123 commented 5 years ago

ok, so i'm trying to build it myself (first time in my life) on win10pro64, installed qt, downloaded, extract, open in qt, add -j4 in command line arguments, extract qt\FFmpeg\ in same folder,

Build>Build All -> 453 issues Build>Build Project "MLVApp"-> 453 issues Run qmake -> no issues, not sure what it does lol

Guess I'll wait for someone to build it :) (no automated build? nightlies type stuff?)

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

You tried to build with MSVC2017. This does not work. You need MinGW version. (Microsoft does not understand many of the standard C things as you see)

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

@bouncyball-git : you still know this? It is back... :( (2nd last master commit used)

Give me that MLV please.

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

Give me that MLV please.

Okay, I'll upload this afternoon.

gac123 commented 5 years ago

such a noob at this.. closed qt creator, i've downloaded and installed mingw (all basic components), deleted the pro.user file, restarted qt creator with mingw as default, reopend the mlvapp project, test run, build release/debug/profile, all end in errors, no idea what to do next, maybe the steps required to build this or any app from a clean machine requires maybe a few more than just -install Qt5 (minimum 5.6) -unpack in platform/qt/FFmpeg (and copy it later into build directory) -open platform/qt/ in QtCreator -go to tab project, add command line argument -j4 (for quad core) -Build and Start

seemed so simple, i've been trying different stuff and researching online for hours now.. ugh

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

Install Qt MinGW version (and uninstall Qt MSVC). It seems you still run Qt MSVC version (watch your error output: if you still see something with MSVC2017, you still compile with MSVC). Installing standalone MinGW won't help you, or you configure your system manually (that is possible, but no fun). There are only the few steps to do, yes.

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

bildschirmfoto 2018-11-02 um 10 30 43 If you use Online installer, it should look like this (version don't cares if >5.6, but MinGW is important).

gac123 commented 5 years ago

wish it were so easy... i first removed everything, reinstalled qt with only the option you show, open project, projects tab, build & run>desktop qt5.10.0 MinGW 32bit>Build(don't touch anything)>Run(only add the Command line arguments -j4) then i go from the top menu Build>Build Project "MLVApp" -> stops at 54 issues



masc4ii commented 5 years ago

These are warnings, no errors. (or is there any red line?) Press green play button and have fun.

gac123 commented 5 years ago

Oh, Build and Run! :) works and already test exporting a piece of the footage

I do already notice that blue line at the top in the preview window

gac123 commented 5 years ago

so.. bad news, the export (dng uncompressed) already starts with an almost black frame

but while doing other stuff my computer crashed on the podhd audio device driver (so annoying, but i need it for playing guitar), so i don't know which frame this was exactly


bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

This is interesting. Looks like dng header corrupted.

gac123 commented 5 years ago

here is the file (no dng allowed.. github)

edit: i'm an idiot, because i've used the resolve naming scheme, i do know which frame this was from d'oh

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

Here is the MLV with the wrong highlights after dual iso processing:

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

If I remember right, in the past this was caused by some wrong limiting, if clip was recorded with less than 14bit... do you remember too?

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

@bouncyball-git : found it:


EDIT: could solve it by just dragging on the RAW white level slider... but is that as expected? Is there something wrong in the clip or in our app? bildschirmfoto 2018-11-04 um 21 39 12

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

The code you refer to is changed almost entirely. OK will check this file.

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

For me, without any change, if white level set to 5600, car light becomes normal, flare above remains violet and when highlight reconstruction is switched on green color kicks in. Can you try this?

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

This is the latest scale algo (it can not go above 16200):

    int32_t scaled_white_level = 16200;
    double scale_ratio = (double)(scaled_white_level - raw_info->black_level) / (double)(raw_info->white_level - raw_info->black_level);
    raw_info->white_level = scaled_white_level;

#pragma omp parallel for
    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < pixel_count; ++i)
        image_data[i] = (uint16_t)((double)((image_data[i] - raw_info->black_level) * scale_ratio + raw_info->black_level) + 0.5);

And it even has minimal rounding error.

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

...and when highlight reconstruction is switched on green color kicks in. Can you try this?

Yes, that is a known problem with my highlight reconstruction algo. It is threaded, but it shouldn't be. So for areas without highlight problem a false color is selected. I could make it slower, than in would work better.

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

Well I was wrong and scaled vales could still reach upper values then white level. So I've added back my commented out code which finds lowest and greatest raw values and scales data/levels accordingly. After that we almost get the correct picture out of the box or it quite manageable with w/b level sliders. Please check.

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

Works wonderful for this clip!

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

I am not sure if it has something to do with this change, but last time I tested this clip it looked cleaner, now there is a lot of noise: dualiso_m18-1960_5d3_frame_1

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago

S..t :). That's why I commented this code out... gonna take a look again...

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago


Well I'm not sure about anything any more ;) but please try it again.

bouncyball-git commented 5 years ago


Please try the latest win64 version.

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

Now the car clip and danne's clip are both working!

gac123 commented 5 years ago

@bouncyball-git mostly issues with the preview; (exporting the thing now to see if i spot other things in the uncompressed dng export)

frames almost completely black in preview (frame 2379 dng uncompressed ok, see attached image

purple line in preview (frame 4204 dng uncompressed ok,see attached image

gac123 commented 5 years ago

sorry.. black frame still exist though the preview is ok image

not consistent, if i scrub back and forth a few frames it might appear black as the output this happens multiple times accross the video.. i'll export the test i did as mlv without raw corrections (fast mlv) on the mega drive M28-0123-2378-4205.MLV!V1IiEKqC!K-YCjrQ7LOKwdXX5fv17xQ (it's uploading 1,5gb ETA~15min)

and more inconsistencies.. the cut "untouched" clip has problems on different frames, etc.. edit: file is uploaded..

masc4ii commented 5 years ago

and when highlight reconstruction is switched on green color kicks in.

Could you try now? Now one highest green is searched for the frame, not per thread. Should be better now...

gac123 commented 5 years ago

like so? even more ff'ed up :)


gac123 commented 5 years ago

ok, so i'm uploading the original mlv that came out of the camera on the same mega drive under the folder M28-0123, it might take an hour