ilia3101 / MLV-App

All in one MLV processing app.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Questions about export #21

Closed bouncyball-git closed 7 years ago

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

I was thinking lately and I've got something to ask:

  1. Why we are dragging the PNG lib with this project if QT has QImageWriter class and supports PNG natively? I guess AVFoundation or else also supports it on a Mac.

  2. I've dug a bit to the 'RenderPngTask' stuff and saw that my future suggestion is not that trivial to implement in present working code. However... I want to share the very simple approach (perhaps already thought by you) to the encoder part.

For sure the best way to implement the native encoder/muxer is to use on win/linux libavformat and libavcodec, but as we all know it is complex and time consuming (on a mac there is mac flavors like avfoundation etc).

So, because we already use FFMPEG I thought why can't we make it swallow the PNGs (whatever) trough the named pipe? Run ffmpeg with pipe open and wright to thet pipe from the MLV App. This is gonna eliminate annoying intermediate files and their handling with less effort.

What do you think guys?

masc4ii commented 7 years ago
  1. Qt supports only 8bit png, for 10bit ProRes we need 16bit png, this is only possible with libpng. If you check out a early version, you can see the 8bit Qt solution. AVFoundation is not availlable for Qt (as I know, maybe I am wrong). So Ilia will try to create a library which does that. Edit: This is the first commit with libpng. Before it was done with Qt.

  2. If you know how to export using libavformat and libavcodec this is a much better solution. I already lost a lot of time with that without luck. :-( There should be a very early commit where I tried to prepare that. But later I deleted that again, because the intermediate png solution was easier and working. If you get it without png to work, the export speed should be the double from now. Edit: This this was my try to prepare for libavcodec.

Do you have an example with that pipe? Sounds interesting - never heard about that.

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

Ah ok I got it (QT 8 bit, bummer)

Yeah I saw your libav* attempts :) And what about pipe the data to ffmpeg? for example like this:

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

This piping is really interesting. There is only one problem: if we want it to have fast, I think we need multithreaded frame calculation as I did in the Qt part now, but then the frames will maybe not come out in the right order. So we have to sort them and give it after that to the pipe. Or what do you think?

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

Yes I was thinking about it as now it implemented as a thread task and this is cool. But right order may be a problem with the pipe until we could restrict thread tasks to work only with, say, 4 consecutive frames at a time and so on. Should be some caching mechanism to order those processed 4 frames in memory.

Btw does QT support 16bit tiffs?

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

I think it would be fantastic to use the one caching method for both cases: playing and exporting.

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

When I understood right, Qt supports only 8bit, no matter which format.

I am not sure if caching is the solution for the program. Because the only benefit is to have Amaze debayered frames in the speed of the basic debayered frames in playback (and maybe export (when waiting before)). The bottleneck is still all the processing (not threaded). And for laptops, caching will cause battery drain, because you'll always have near to 100% CPU. Maybe we need a completely different caching method... Edit: but caching processed frames is also no solution, because changing only 1 parameter deletes all and everything must be cached again.

Yes, if we use threads for export we have to sort the pictures. If we have just one or four pictures per thread does not change that. The algorithm should be nearly identical.

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

Yes right. Sorting needed no matter what.

ilia3101 commented 7 years ago

The cocoa app will lose ffmpeg once AVFoundation is sorted. But this is definitely an very important issue 👍 And of course, same cache will be used for export and preview, as getProcessedFrame function(s) is used in both cases, and that function/s does use the cache. When the cache is working, export should become much quicker.

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

I really need to try your latest caching code :)

ilia3101 commented 7 years ago

@bouncyball-git Will commit today to the caching branch

ilia3101 commented 7 years ago

@masc4ii maybe reduce amount of threads caching uses? caching will cause battery drain, because you'll always have near to 100% CPU In the end, it still ends up using less overall power on frames if the user is going to spend a while on the clip.

Could also have a tick box for enabling/disabling it.

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

Great news! Yes, sure! I'll make that switchable via checkbox! I think I already had that in the past... :-)

ilia3101 commented 7 years ago

Little caching update:

it's gonna be majorly thread safe this time.

It doesn't work yet, so won't commit anything yet.

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

Proof of concept - topic ffmpeg pipe

I got ffmpeg pipe to work with this simple code. TODO: audio, maybe via wav.

    FILE *pPipe;
    long lSize;
    uint16_t * imgdata;

    lSize = getMlvWidth( m_pMlvObject ) * getMlvHeight( m_pMlvObject ) * 3 * 2;

    imgdata = (uint16_t*)malloc( lSize );

    if ( !(pPipe = popen("\"<path to the app>/MLV\" -r 25 -y -f rawvideo -s 1856x1044 -pix_fmt rgb48 -i - -c:v prores_ks -profile:v 2 <a path>/", "w")) )
        qDebug() << "popen error";

    // write to pipe
    for( int i = 0; i < getMlvFrames( m_pMlvObject ); i++ )
        getMlvProcessedFrame16( m_pMlvObject, i, imgdata );
        fwrite(imgdata, 1, lSize, pPipe);

    free( imgdata );

So intermediate png will be history soon! :-)

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

I'm glad it worked :). Are you sure passing imgdata is sufficient? I thought whole png with header should be passed through the pipe.

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

No, only the RawData. I got a first test video with that (without sound for now).

ilia3101 commented 7 years ago


Also I'll have a fix for noisy sound parts soon.

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

@ilia3101: What do you mean? You've implemented audio noise filter?

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

@masc4ii: Ah now I understand: "-f rawvideo -s 1856x1044 -pix_fmt rgb48" needs to specify all image info by cli. Cool! I'm so glad You did it. I had no time to experiment with it.

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

It works on Linux quickly and nicely! No crash on 2nd export. Progress bar is cool. It's just resolution of the video is not implemented dynamically in ffmpeg's cli string yet ;)

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

Now size is dynamic and I found why it crashed on 2nd export on Mac. Unforunately it does not work on Windows. I got ffmpeg to work via pipe - ffmpeg starts and creates a file, but there is only noise inside. I have no idea why. And on Windows popen(...) creates a terminal window :-P what da f*** :-( On Mac it works fine and much faster than before.

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

Yup! On Linux it's working great!

Can be ffmpeg console output made silent and dependent only on 'DEFINES += STDOUT_SILENT'?

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

For window we could try #ifdef win32 and _popen

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

We can also try the 'ffmpeg [commands] >/dev/null' when STDOUT_SILENT and without it when #STDOUT_SILENT

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

On windows it tells #define popen() _popen(), so I think nothing will change. The only way we could chose is a completely different one, for example doing it with QProcess or something similar, but I had absolutly no success. :-( There is no flush() and all written data is in RAM until I want close() the pipe... then it starts writing... currupted files :-P yeah.

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

I tried:

#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
    program.append( " >/dev/null" );

before calling popen(), but that does not work. The log is full with ffmpeg output.

ilia3101 commented 7 years ago

@ilia3101: What do you mean? You've implemented audio noise filter? No I meant, sometimes the MLV audio just has a random second of really loud hiss, which is really painful to the ears, me and masc discussed it when audio was first implemented, just recently realised it was the collision between reading the same file for audio and frames - this is now less likely but still can happen. Maybe it was a little weird to mention such offtopic so randomly :[

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago


collision between reading the same file for audio and frames

Hmm... very strange, can you explain it in more details?

ilia3101 commented 7 years ago

Well, I fixed this isssue for caching by having separate files for all threads. Basically when different threads try to read same FILE * in different locations, issues like pink noise frames happen, or noisy chunks of audio.

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

Thank you, understood.

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

Now pipe export is working under windows too. Try this static binary.

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

What have you changed to make it work?

Edit: does not work for me. There is no output file. Edit2: my fault... ffmpeg.exe is not included and needs to be there as usual... :)

Edit3: oh my god... "w -> wb" did it??? LOL

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

Coooool, thanks so much... do we want to close the issue? Export does not need PNGs anymore on all three platforms. Or do we want to keep it until someone has a "console-less" idea for Windows?

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

I don't think the console pop up is curable. So we can close this issue.

The funny thing is if "wb" specified, 'popen' does not return success on Linux (I think on mac too). The distorted image gave me the hint that pipe is working right but the 48bit RGB data was somehow altered. I could not find any info on the net and tortured the command line string of ffmpeg almost 2 hours in a row. And finally, when I've almost given up, just tried binary mode for writing and it worked ;).

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

One more thing... I think if audio all the time in the memory it also can be implemented through the pipe. Use 2 pipes something like this:

ffmpeg -pix_fmt uyvy422 -s 720×576 -f rawvideo -i output_pipe -target pal-dvd -aspect 4:3 -y myDVD.mpg -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 -i pcm0_pipe -acodec mp2 -ab 224k -newaudio

ffmpeg -r 24 -pix_fmt rgba -s 1280x720 -f rawvideo -y -i \\.\pipe\videopipe -f s16le -ac 1 -ar 44100 -i \\.\pipe\audiopipe -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -b:a 320k -ar 44100 -vf vflip -vcodec mpeg1video -qscale 4 -bufsize 500KB -maxrate 5000KB OUTPUT_FILE

There should be controlled audio length according to the frames and FPS.

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

Hm, but this uses "Named pipe"... this seems to be more complex than our solution. This command I also found, but no code how to write data to more than one pipe in C/C++ (best using Qt modules). popen() will return your pipe to write to... one pipe only. So using 2 pipes must work different I think.

bouncyball-git commented 7 years ago

Yes the command is mkfifo("pipe_out", 0766) and then pipeoutfd = open("pipe_out", O_WRONLY) then make write or read and you can make as many fifos as you need.

But I think our popen which writes to stdout is a cool and simple solution so you are right - let's leave the wav file alone :) it just works.

masc4ii commented 7 years ago

This solution is really not bad, but if I understood right, Unix only. Or does that work also on Windows? Edit: Wiki says this. If anyone searchs for tasks, this can be implemented and this issue will be reopened. =) But we need two different versions: Unix & Win -> more complex for crossplatform. For now, I close to clean up a bit.