ilia3101 / MLV-App

All in one MLV processing app.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Very simple processing improvement. #245

Closed ilia3101 closed 2 years ago

ilia3101 commented 2 years ago

I'm working on a very small and simple processing improvement. This is basically going to be like our "fix cyan highlights" or "uncolourscience fix", but on steroids. It will fix most of the ugly skews and clipping. A trick from @Sobotka . Will be commited today.

@masc4ii Will you be able to add a small checkbox somewhere in the profiles section? And please make it be enabled by default. This is going to be such an upgrade for handling things like colourful LEDs and sunsets. It will be a bit less "colourful" by default, but please try to appreciate the upgrade!

Examples (before on the left, after on the right): Screenshot 2022-07-01 at 14 57 57 Screenshot 2022-07-01 at 14 57 31 Screenshot 2022-07-01 at 14 59 00

So smooth!!!!!

(I also see an opportunity for making the pipeline fully floating point and less clippy, but this will come later)

@sobotka Can we call this "AgX" in the UI?

masc4ii commented 2 years ago

Sure. I'll do this. Is there any dependency to other features? Or just a On/Off checkbox, which always works?

ilia3101 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, just an on off checkbox that always works.

masc4ii commented 2 years ago

Good. I'll do this soon. I found a small bug with it: linear gradient looks wrong:

Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-01 um 18 21 07
ilia3101 commented 2 years ago

Will look in to this. Does the issue go away when it's disabled?

masc4ii commented 2 years ago

It goes away when linear gradient is disabled. For agx I'll have to create the checkbox first.

masc4ii commented 2 years ago

The AgX checkbox arrived. Issue is only there if linear gradient enabled. Disabling AgX won't change the bug.

masc4ii commented 2 years ago

When switching camera matrix off, linear gradient works as expected, with AgX.

masc4ii commented 2 years ago

Yeah. Fixed. Try out!

ilia3101 commented 2 years ago

Thank you!!!

You did it before I even looked!

ilia3101 commented 2 years ago

Are we ready for a 1.14 release yet?

masc4ii commented 2 years ago

The update is great. Thank you Ilia. It looks so much better! Before:



masc4ii commented 2 years ago

Are we ready for a 1.14 release yet?

We could release, if you like. How do we describe AgX? Maybe we should add this in new features section for the update.

ilia3101 commented 2 years ago

That's a great improvement. Nice medical robot too 😉

We could release, if you like.

I'ts about time, it's been over a year now :)

How do we describe AgX? Maybe we should add this in new features section for the update.

How about "Improved reproduction of saturated colours, with less clipping and smoother tonality. Especially helpful for shooting under RGB LEDs."

masc4ii commented 2 years ago

Ok! :)

masc4ii commented 2 years ago

@bouncyball-git : ready for a little compile session for Win build? Please use latest Win ffmpeg from the repo for the archive. 2x macOS and Linux is ready and uploaded.

ilia3101 commented 2 years ago


2blackbar commented 2 years ago

This is great , ill recompile again. Ilia would it be possible to add functionality to raw2mlv that would include sound in MLV file if theres WAV file in folder with dngs ? So recrodings from other cameras like blackmagic , sigma pf or smarpthones RAW could be imported into mlvapp with sound ? Its currently a bit tedious work to merge sound with all clips one by one after export from mlvapp. Being able to choose multiple folders with dngs at once would help too but i should probably create new topic here for that. Also theres an issue in raw2mlv that it does not import more than 800dng frames, when it encounters more dngs in folder it ignores them, i think its command line limit on windows.

bouncyball-git commented 2 years ago

Better later than never :). Static build uploaded.

bouncyball-git commented 2 years ago

Very cool impovement! Congrats!

bouncyball-git commented 2 years ago needs update?

masc4ii commented 2 years ago

Ah cool... thx! Now we have dynamic & static builds, nice. The webpage should automatically be updated, as soon we release. It is still a draft...

ilia3101 commented 2 years ago

What else do we need to add?

bouncyball-git commented 2 years ago

@masc4ii: yeah now we have all imaginable platforms/builds supported :D, very cool!