iliasam / STM32_HOST_UVC_Camera

Example of connecting USB Web camera to STM32F4 USB HOST
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
137 stars 64 forks source link

The discovery project can not go into USBH_VIDEO_Process() #5

Open liuzhijun23 opened 3 years ago

liuzhijun23 commented 3 years ago

I connect the usb camera(which can work ok on my computer) to my STM32F407 borad,and run the discorery project,I find that the program can not go into USBH_VIDEO_Process(&hUsbHostFS) in USB_HOST_fast_class_call(),I find that the hUsbHostFS.gState = HOST_ABORT_STATE.I don't know the reason.Can you help me? void USB_HOST_fast_class_call(void) { if (hUsbHostFS.gState == HOST_CLASS) { USBH_VIDEO_Process(&hUsbHostFS); } }

liuzhijun23 commented 3 years ago

This is the watch window when run in the iar: image

iliasam commented 3 years ago

Your "bInterfaceClass" value is 0x09. According to this is hub class. Are you connecting camera by usb-hub?

In my project USBH_MAX_NUM_SUPPORTED_CLASS value is set to 1: You can try to increase that value but I'm not sure if that will help.

liuzhijun23 commented 3 years ago

I find the reason now.The project set the usb mode to full speed.But my usb camera worked in high speed mode.So the programe can not find the video interface.I would bought a full speed usb camera and test in another day.