iljackb / Mixtepec_Mixtec

Mostly XML (TEI) markup of Mixtepec-Mixtec Language resources
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Combine components of IPA complex phones in single <c>? #48

Open iljackb opened 5 years ago

iljackb commented 5 years ago

Mixtec has numerous complex phones e.g. (“nd”, “kw”, “ndʒ”, "nts", etc.) which are phonologically a single unit. In the old Praat annotation I separated all phonetic units by manner of articulation and thus split up many.


                <w xml:id="d1e81" synch="#T6">
                     <c function="tone">T</c>
                     <c function="tone">H</c>
                  <w xml:id="d1e98" synch="#T14">
                     <c function="tone">F</c>
                  <w xml:id="d1e105" synch="#T17">
                     <c function="tone">T</c>
                     <c function="tone">T</c>

This makes searching for phonological strings a pain and it means despite my overly meticulous Praat annotation the encoding of the phonology is not complete. These strings in context are predictable and will not occur in sequence when not part of the given complex phone, thus automatic combining should not be to complex or risk incorrect grouping.

iljackb commented 5 years ago

Will need to get exhaustive list of all sequences concerned...