iljapostnovs / VSCodeUI5Plugin

Visual Studio Code Extension for UI5 Development
Apache License 2.0
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Problem with many UI5 apps in one workspace (performance and crashes) #415

Open bschraml opened 3 months ago

bschraml commented 3 months ago

Hi Ilja,

I have a big project (local launchpad) which contains 12 UI5 apps (TypeScript) in terms of Git submodules. The parsing process takes a lot of time and sometimes crashes after 3 minutes. If I exclude one or two dialogs (excludeFolderPatterns in outer package.json) then the parsing process finished after 2 minutes.

Is there any way to speed up this parsing process? I already excluded all node_modules, out, and dist directories. I don't understand why does it take so long. I'am on a windows machine. But this problem also occurs in the Business Application Studio.

Do you have any ideas whats going on here?

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards, Benny

Project structure project_structure

Dialog structure dialog

package.json (launchpad and each dialog) package_json

iljapostnovs commented 1 month ago

Hi! Sorry for late reply, summer time :) Yes, I have an idea. The issue is that you have 12 different TS projects, and initialization of 12 TS projects with huge UI5 types takes time. I don't really have ideas on how to make it work faster, because it is a performance of TS itself. I could think about cases when you have one project with one tsconfig, but with different modules inside, but this is not that case, because you have physically 12 different projects with 12 different configs and 12 different types of UI5 and there is no way to initialize it once instead of 12 times.