ilk18 / Jazz-Lyricism

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Weekly Project Update 1/27 #1

Open ilk18 opened 1 year ago

ilk18 commented 1 year ago

Accomplished This was our first group project meeting of the semester, held on Thursday, January 26, at 5:30 pm in B40-B Alumni Hall. Benjamin, Madelyn, Claire and India were in attendance. We got introduced to one another and began talking about the project—India proposed the project, Madelyn has taken classes on Pittsburgh jazz and Claire is excited to learn more about this genre. During this meeting we:

  1. Worked out issues with Git software installation on Madelyn and India's Macbooks
  2. Learned how to create repositories by watching Ben do a tutorial on the projector while group members followed along on their laptops
  3. Each group member practiced copying a repository onto their laptops and making their first commit on the file.
  4. The group discussed the project research question and first steps of specifying parameters of the project and ideas for what the corpus could look like. The group discussed public domain and "creative commons" licenses.

To-Do For next time, each group member was asked to:

  1. Get comfortable with Git terminal commands
  2. Bring jazz standards they want to propose using for the project and show how they could be marked up.
mkd38 commented 1 year ago

I really like the idea of having each member propose a way of marking up the text and then assessing them together as a group in order to synthesize the best schema. I've been overwhelmed with choice when I consider how to markup our texts, so I plan to propose something similar to my group in order to help myself get unstuck - thanks for the tip!

JackGutch commented 1 year ago

I think that this idea has a lot of potential. With different creative ideas by including everyone, not just the project leader, in creating jazz standards will bring bountiful ideas to the table. By looking at your Project Proposal in Slack, I find it interesting how you will look at lyrics from common themes within Jazz Music. To dive deeper into this idea, you could consider looking at the prevalence of certain instruments and how changes in Musical Key can influence the audience's interpretation of lyrical themes. Lastly, I like your idea of becoming more familiar with Git. I feel that I would benefit from working around with Git and Github more often to become more comfortable with these resources before the they are heavily utilized in the projects.