ilk18 / Jazz-Lyricism

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Weekly Project Update 2/23 #5

Open mam797 opened 1 year ago

mam797 commented 1 year ago

Weekly Project Update 2/23

India, Claire, Madelyn, and Ben were all present at the meeting.


mkd38 commented 1 year ago

Interested to know the decision that you take on topic modeling. Personally, I'm conflicted on whether our team ought to use it to enhance our analysis. Topic modeling is less useful in short texts, like songs (or surahs) since short texts can be analyzed through close reading, but at the same time, you could use topic modeling tools in really interesting ways on your corpus (e.g. you could review proportionality of topics across all artists in your dataset or something). My thought is that it might be good for our team to analyze our surahs through close-reading but apply topic modeling to our full texts, so that we can say we compared the texts on small scale and large scale, which might make for a more valid analysis, but we are still in discussion about this.

JackGutch commented 1 year ago

I like all of the progress you have made so far. Within our group as well, much of the weekly meeting conversations have been centered around fixed the schema so that it is perfect before we get too deep into the markup of the text. We have added and taken out many schema elements and their attributes as well, in order to show change over time or change in a period of documents. Our tentative due date for finishing the markup is the same, and thus you should be on a good pace towards finishing in time. We are yet to discuss topic modeling as a group, but I personally think the addition of it in your project would be helpful.

pamelarsmith commented 1 year ago

I find it interesting to see that you changed several attributes to be more value-neutral; person/object to entity, money to static. We had to slightly do this too when figuring out what relationships, actions and emotions to use in our markup, to reduce crossover. I think it would be really interesting if you used topic modeling in your project. I think this would fit pretty well because it sounds like you are already marking up lyrics based on topics and themes.