ilkarman / Azure-WebApp-w-CNTK

Deployment template for Azure WebApp, CNTK, Python 3 (x64) and sample model
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Deploying Fast R-CNN model as Azure WebApp #3

Open yashfujifilm opened 7 years ago

yashfujifilm commented 7 years ago

I have developed a Fast R-CNN model using this tutorial. I want to deploy the model obtained. I already have a resource group created. I don't want to create another resource group. So the order in which I run the commands is as follows.

1) set uname= 2) set pass= 3) az webapp deployment user set --user-name %uname% --password %pass% (I am using 'webapp' instead of 'appservice web') 4) set appn= (same as present in the portal) 5) set rgname= 6) az login (I am not running the steps in between since I don't have to create a resource group and an app service, becuase they are already created manually from Azure Portal) 7) az appservice web source-control config-local-git --name %appn% --resource-group %rgname% --query url --output tsv (after running this I get an error saying that, 'all appservice web commands have been renamed to webapp'). So when I change appservice web to webapp and try running the same command I get an error saying 'az webapp: error: argument subcommand: invalid choice: source-control'

I don't face any login issues. I don't understand what am I supposed to do. Can you explain the solution to deploy any model developed from Fast R-CNN tutorial. Am I following the right tutorial to deploy Fast R-CNN model? Is there any other way I can do it, if not this way?

hinda00 commented 7 years ago

same problem here. Any updates since?