Drupal Group (www.drupal.org/project/group) will be a simple drop in for our current Raid group reference system. Translate the current references to this new system. Allows us to actually drop tac_lite as well since we no longer need to rely on taxonomy for permissions.
The group_content is a type of entity. We can migrate to this. DONE.
We need a recent DB so we get the LF1M raid! DONE
Drupal Group (www.drupal.org/project/group) will be a simple drop in for our current Raid group reference system. Translate the current references to this new system. Allows us to actually drop tac_lite as well since we no longer need to rely on taxonomy for permissions.
The group_content is a type of entity. We can migrate to this. DONE. We need a recent DB so we get the LF1M raid! DONE Migrate: