illinois-ceesd / mirgecom

MIRGE-Com is the workhorse simulation application for the Center for Exascale-Enabled Scramjet Design at the University of Illinois.
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Relatively high errors in gradients #956

Open MTCam opened 1 year ago

MTCam commented 1 year ago

We have noticed that there seems to be some numerical artifacts in the result of gradient (or any weak differentiation operator) which we import from grudge. The example below prescribes a uniform constant field $A$ on a periodic 2d mesh [-0.5, 0.5 ] x [-0.5, 0.5], and then computes the gradient with weak operators using a central flux ($\frac{A^- + A^+}{2}\hat{\mathbf{n}})$. The exact answer is 0, so we expect the computed answer to be 0(ish). For weak operators, the results seem to have abnormally high magnitude and an unexplained spatial dependence. Strong form gradients appear to have nominal behavior.

The magnitude of the weak operator errors increases with increasing distance from the absolute physical space origin (0, 0, 0). The error behaves as roundoff, proportional to the magnitude of the input field, and to the inverse of the grid spacing.

As a consequence of these errors, comparisons of results computed between different array contexts (eager vs. lazy vs. numpy) often fails when compared quantities involve derivatives.

Snapshot of the computed weak form $\nabla{A}, A=10^5$:

Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 12 23 28 PM

Snapshot of the computed strong form gradient ($\nabla{A}, A=10^5$):

Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 11 44 20 AM

The code to reproduce:

"""Simple periodic gradient example."""
import logging
from meshmode.mesh import BTAG_ALL, BTAG_NONE  # noqa
from grudge.trace_pair import interior_trace_pairs
import grudge.op as op
import grudge.geometry as geo
from grudge.shortcuts import make_visualizer
from mirgecom.discretization import create_discretization_collection

def _grad_flux_central(dcoll, u_tpair):
    u = u_tpair

    actx =
    normal = geo.normal(actx, dcoll, u_tpair.dd)

    flux_weak = normal*u.avg

    return op.project(dcoll, u_tpair.dd, "all_faces", flux_weak)

def grad_operator(dcoll, u, *, comm_tag=None):
    """Compute a simple gradient."""
    bnd_term = op.face_mass(dcoll, sum(_grad_flux_central(dcoll, u_tpair=tpair)
                                       for tpair in interior_trace_pairs(
                                        dcoll, u, comm_tag=(_GradTag, comm_tag))))  # noqa

    return op.inverse_mass(dcoll, bnd_term - op.weak_local_grad(dcoll, u))

class _GradTag:

def main(actx_class):
    """Drive the example."""
    from mirgecom.array_context import initialize_actx
    actx = initialize_actx(actx_class, None)

    dim = 2
    nel_1d = 16
    from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh

    mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(

    order = 3

    dcoll = create_discretization_collection(actx, mesh, order=order)
    nodes = actx.thaw(dcoll.nodes())
    zeros =[0])
    ones = zeros + 1.0

    print("%d elements" % mesh.nelements)

    u_val = 10000.0
    u = u_val * ones

    vis = make_visualizer(dcoll)

    grad_u = grad_operator(dcoll, u)
                       [("u", u), ("grad_u", grad_u),], overwrite=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=logging.INFO)

    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simple Periodic Gradient")
    parser.add_argument("--lazy", action="store_true",
        help="switch to a lazy computation mode")
    parser.add_argument("--numpy", action="store_true",
        help="use numpy-based eager actx.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    from mirgecom.array_context import get_reasonable_array_context_class
    actx_class = get_reasonable_array_context_class(lazy=args.lazy,


From offline discussions:

blah blah blah

A weak $\nabla{A}$ strong $\nabla{A}$
$10^0$ $4.3\times10^{-13}$ $6.4\times10^{-14}$
$10^1$ $4.3\times10^{-12}$ $6.9\times10^{-13}$
$10^2$ $4.5\times10^{-11}$ $7.2\times10^{-12}$
$10^3$ $4.5\times10^{-10}$ $6.6\times10^{-11}$
$10^4$ $4.3\times10^{-9}$ $7.0\times10^{-10}$

Open questions:

Gradient (HWCode/Grad2D) magnitude for constant ($A = 10^5$) scalar field:

Screenshot 2023-08-21 at 9 35 17 PM


A $\nabla{A}$
$10^0$ $1.21\times10^{-13}$
$10^1$ $1.26\times10^{-12}$
$10^2$ $1.22\times10^{-11}$
$10^3$ $1.16\times10^{-10}$
$10^4$ $1.16\times10^{-9}$
inducer commented 1 year ago

Adding uniform noise of magnitude (in front of arrow) results in magnitude (behind arrow):

    # 0 -> 1.4e-11
    # 1e-14 -> 1.7e-11
    # 1e-13 -> 3.5e-11
    # 1e-12 -> 2.9e-10
jbfreund commented 1 year ago

IF ( 1e-11 -> ~3e-09 AND same trend for easy/lazy/numpy ) THEN “I might be a believer” END IF

inducer commented 1 year ago

More data:

# Eager

# 0 -> 1.4e-11
# 1e-14 -> 1.7e-11
# 1e-13 -> 3.5e-11
# 1e-12 -> 2.9e-10
# 1e-11 -> 3e-9

# Lazy

# 0 -> 1.1e-11
# 1e-14 -> 1.3e-11
# 1e-13 -> 3e-11
# 1e-12 -> 3.1e-10
# 1e-11 -> 2.8e-9

Evaluating your conditional @jbfreund, you might be a believer? :slightly_smiling_face:

jbfreund commented 1 year ago

Assert(@jbfreund is a believer)

I do think we're seeing roundoff errors.

inducer commented 1 year ago

A possible explanation for lower errors near the origin is that the Jacobians arise from differentiating the nodal field (aka the interpolant of the local-to-global map). Those increase as you get away from the origin (that's their job), and so the Jacobians pick up increasing amounts of cancellation error as you get away from the origin.