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CS 241 course website
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Migrate to GitHub Actions #248

Closed ezhang887 closed 3 years ago

ezhang887 commented 3 years ago

Migrates the website's deployment to Github Actions. Most of deployment steps were based on the old .travis.yml file. I've also added the gpg passphrase I used to encode the private ssh key in the repo's secrets and the public in the repo's "Deploy keys" sections. I tested the SSH connection by running the gpg decode step on the dual_deploy_key.enc in a new VM (without any other SSH keys), and was able to connect to this repo:

student@cs241:~$ gpg --passphrase <redacted> --output dual_deploy_key --decrypt dual_deploy_key.enc
gpg: AES256 encrypted data
gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
student@cs241:~$ chmod 600 dual_deploy_key
student@cs241:~$ ssh -i dual_deploy_key -T
Hi illinois-cs241/! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Edit: I've also tested by enabling the deployment action on this branch to deploy to a test branch, and it seems to work.

I've also removed the old deployment keys and the .travis.yml from the repo.

I think the only thing remaining is to also migrate on the coursebook side, most of the stuff on this side should be done.