illixion / vscode-vibrancy-continued

Enable Acrylic/Glass effect for your VS Code.
MIT License
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Linux support #27

Open Reaster0 opened 1 year ago

Reaster0 commented 1 year ago

and here we are again, searching for a way of using vibrancy in GNU/linux os

PoSayDone commented 1 year ago

If u are arch linux user you can use this - There is also pre-builded package in archlinuxcn repo.

Reaster0 commented 1 year ago

unfortunately i'm on ubuntu

illixion commented 1 year ago

For what it's worth, GlassIt-VSC should work on Linux, though it makes the whole window semi-transparent.

microhobby commented 1 year ago

I was using glasstron for my own VS Code build, and it's work on Windows and Linux (does not know about Mac OS).

Reaster0 commented 1 year ago

thanks for your answer, for the next ones that will read us, i can't find glasstron but i've found Vibracy Continuedon the vscode store, it work for windows and macos (but apparently not linux)

illixion commented 1 year ago

thanks for your answer, for the next ones that will read us, i can't find glasstron but i've found Vibracy Continuedon the vscode store, it work for windows and macos (but apparently not linux)

Yeah, this is the repo for Vibrancy Continued. Glasstron seems to be a module you can include in your own VSCode build, but it says that it's EOL, so I'm not sure if it'll continue working for long.

Visual-Dawg commented 11 months ago This build allows you to set the background as transparent. It works nicely. An extension would still be nicer though

kevinnkansah commented 1 month ago

Still no Linux support???

Visual-Dawg commented 1 month ago

@kevinnkansah Just use It supports Linux and is actually way nicer