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site suggest: adding more info to the faq #180

Closed FONZACUS closed 2 years ago

FONZACUS commented 3 years ago

IIRC a while back, a linked page in the FAQ had a handy guide as to what many of the numbers meant. i dont think i can find that linked page again, so id like to a request adding that guide to the FAQ.

for example mixplorer has 5 versions listed. the first 6 are definitely yr/mo/day, but what do the last 2 digits mean? IIRC a long time ago the first 2 digits were cpu, then min and target OS, display, ETC.

i know i may sound a bit nitpicky over the small details, sorry for that...

archon810 commented 2 years ago

The numbers in versions vary from app to app - it's what developers assign to their individual apps. It's not feasible to address these individual differences in the FAQ.

In Mixplorer's case, I think the last 2 digits are just incremental build numbers (the developer adds 10 or something to the next build).