illsk1lls / ZipRipper

A CMD script to crack password protected ZIP, RAR, 7z and PDF files, using JohnTheRipper.
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ZipRipper-Passwords.txt Not Being Created #11

Closed Syeph0n closed 1 month ago

Syeph0n commented 1 month ago

Pretty much as the titles says, after a successful session it doesn't create the passwords.txt file.

Taking a look at the previously opened issue about this I can tell you that ECHO %UserProfile%, and CD %UserProfile%\Desktop both yield/navigate to the correct directory.

Additionally taking a look at the script itself I tried ECHO %SystemDrive%\Users\%UserName%\Desktop which also outputs correctly.

However as a side note when on my E: drive I can't seem to get CMD to navigate to the directory using cd %SystemDrive%\Users\%UserName%\Desktop, it doesn't return an error or anything, just doesn't do anything at all lol.

Though I've tried running ZipRipper on both C: and E: drives and it didn't create the file regardless.

I've also tried manually creating a ZipRipper-Passwords.txt file on my desktop. It did not write to that either.

There also doesn't seem to be any other errors outputted to the CLI while it's running.

Hopefully you can help!

-Edit as I forgot to mention, I am not using a redirected desktop through onedrive.

illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

Is the script completing? Do you see a password displayed in the main window in a yellow/orange color? (Just making sure, I'm assuming from your detailed notes that it is completing, but best to check) Or does the window just close?

Syeph0n commented 1 month ago

It doesn't display anything in yellow/orange. However it does say "Session completed"

And then tells me "Resume is UNAVAILABLE".

I guess I just assumed the session being completed meant that it had found the correct password. Is it possible it's just failing before finding anything?

(I'll post a screenshot of the terminal in just a minute)

Syeph0n commented 1 month ago

NVIDIA_Share_iqs75twalX Edit: It does show what I'm assuming are the last two attempted candidates? But when trying those neither of them are the correct password.

Syeph0n commented 1 month ago

Interesting. Okay, just coming to understand what some of the readouts mean. I'm assuming it isn't actually finding what the correct password is, judging by 0g/s meaning zero successful guesses.

But I'm not sure why it would stop then? Also, rather weirdly, the reason why I thought it was finding the correct password in the first place was I had tried using it on another folder, and one of the last two guesses for that folder's password was the correct password.

Which is either astronomical luck or it really is finding the correct password and just doing this weird behavior instead of displaying things correctly.

illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

It is crashing, resume unavailable means there is no progress to save, the files created during the process arent there…

are you using the latest version?

its possible theres an issue i have not accounted for with the zip

can you try making a pw protected zip with 7zip with the password “password” and see if the script completes correctly?

illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

Also try using the built in cyclone_hk wordlist by clicking John’s mouth, see if maybe the default wordlist is causing an issue with that file

this is definately strange behavior, and might be an issue with JohnTheRipper, or that specific archive

Syeph0n commented 1 month ago

I should have mentioned that I was using a wordlist I downloaded and not the default wordlist.

That is what appears to have been the issue; I setup a dummy .rar file with a known password to rule out whether or not it was an issue with a corrupt archive. Had the same weird behavior on the dummy file, swapped to the default wordlist and then everything ran correctly. (Looking back I seriously should have tried that earlier lol)

It found the password and ZipRipper-Passwords.txt was created properly, so all seems to be good there.

After that I went and checked the wordlist I had downloaded (rockyou), and somehow it got truncated down to maybe 10 words. Literally no idea what happened other than maybe corruption during download.

Either way just for the sake of science I copied the 10 words over to a freshly created .txt file and loaded that as the word list, it crashed it in the same manner.

So it appears a very small wordlist was causing the crashes! Mystery solved!

illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

I will check for ~ minimum size and add the restriction to the script to prevent confusion for other users..

thanks for the info and glad you got it worked out