illsk1lls / ZipRipper

A CMD script to crack password protected ZIP, RAR, 7z and PDF files, using JohnTheRipper.
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Hardware aceleration isnt a thing aparently on the RX 580 #13

Closed Tr3yWay996 closed 1 month ago

Tr3yWay996 commented 1 month ago

I got the RX580 and aparently it support RX gpus, ran the "fix" 2 time, 1 was only fast and the second was all of them it still run in cpu more so idk. If you could perhaps guide me into what i'm missing ?

illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

does it say unsupported in the OpenCL section on the titlebar?

some zip types OpenCL can be used, and others are CPU only.. so even if you have a GPU it still depends on the file

although there could be something wrong with the script..

What does the whole titlebar say on the files you are in CPU mode for? Any chance you can screenshot the running window?

Tr3yWay996 commented 1 month ago


Tr3yWay996 commented 1 month ago

Btw, is it normal for it to take ages for finding simple asf passwords ? Is it purelyy dictionary atack based or there is some bruteforcing like kraken too

illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

Dictionairy, then rules, then brute

You are missing c:\windows\system32\amdolc64.dll based on the picture

that doesnt mean everything will work perfect, i def wanna test that model card on my end asap and i havent yet so no garuantees, but that file is required for opencl and you only get “Unavailable” when the file is missing or you dont have a videocard

if you can confirm the file is there then there is a bug in gpu detection

Tr3yWay996 commented 1 month ago

Dictionairy, then rules, then brute

You are missing c:\windows\system32\amdolc64.dll based on the picture

that doesnt mean everything will work perfect, i def wanna test that model card on my end asap and i havent yet so no garuantees, but that file is required for opencl and you only get “Unavailable” when the file is missing or you dont have a videocard

if you can confirm the file is there then there is a bug in gpu detection

how i install it then, from any dll downloader and put him there ?

Tr3yWay996 commented 1 month ago

nope still aint working, the script is simply broken for amd cards ig

illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

Get amdocl64.dll from AMD:

If you are in CPU mode and a job is running, use task manager to kill the job. Browse to C:\ProgramData\JtR\run in a CMD prompt and type

john --format=ZIP-opencl --test

if you have everything necessary to use OpenCL on your system that command will run

Tr3yWay996 commented 1 month ago

If you are in CPU mode and a job is running, use task manager to kill the job. Browse to C:\ProgramData\JtR\run in a CMD prompt and type

john --format=ZIP-opencl --test

if you have everything necessary to use OpenCL on your system that command will run

C:\ProgramData\JtR\run>john --format=ZIP-opencl --test Device 1: Ellesmere [Radeon RX 580 Series] Benchmarking: ZIP-opencl, WinZip [PBKDF2-SHA1 OpenCL]... LWS=64 GWS=294912 (4608 blocks) DONE Speed for cost 1 (HMAC size) of 0 Raw: 1736K c/s real, 56713K c/s virtual

Aom92 commented 1 month ago

Had a similar issue with an RX 7600XT, the following commands from the previous reply do work and even running the fix .bat file included in resources didn't do the work.

john --format=ZIP-opencl --test if you have everything necessary to use OpenCL on your system that command will run

So instead I just forced to use the GPU by adding: SET /A GPU=2 in the :CHECKGPU block around line 714.

Tr3yWay996 commented 1 month ago


wut ? its already in here, what to edit then

Tr3yWay996 commented 1 month ago

Had a similar issue with an RX 7600XT, the following commands from the previous reply do work and even running the fix .bat file included in resources didn't do the work.

john --format=ZIP-opencl --test if you have everything necessary to use OpenCL on your system that command will run

So instead I just forced to use the GPU by adding: SET /A GPU=2 in the :CHECKGPU block around line 714.

thanks i understood and its working perfectly

illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

@Aom92 and @Tr3yWay996 what shows up for your cards when you run this in a CMD prompt? (Id love to fix this)

FOR /F "usebackq skip=1 tokens=2,3" %# IN (`WMIC path Win32_VideoController get Name ^| findstr "."`) DO ECHO "%# %$"

And do both of you have C:\Windows\System32\amdocl64.dll present?

Aom92 commented 1 month ago

It returns the expected: Radeon RX.

But in my system the file amdocl64.dll is not present in System32. Funny enough other OpenCL applications work as intended even without the file.

illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

@Aom92 if you ever end up having a minute and can check, what happens if you put it in System32?

Aom92 commented 1 month ago

Now it gets detected and starts working with GPU. Idk this seems like AMD's fault for not putting the DLLs where they are expected for other applications.


illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

ok cool, ty for helping, ill find a way to include this automatically for AMD users..

illsk1lls commented 1 month ago

FixOpenCLforAMD.bat located in the .resources folder has been updated to correct this issue for supported Radeon GPUs, until it can be added directly into ZipRipper.. The readme now reflects this info, thanks again for the help.