illusivesoulworks / consecration

Minecraft Mod: Makes the undead more resilent except against fire and holy damage, and adds new features to help you slay them
4 stars 5 forks source link

[Suggestion] Construct's Armory Support and (maybe) Unholy Weapons/Armor #30

Closed Enderborn1235 closed 5 years ago

Enderborn1235 commented 5 years ago


I was thinking of suggesting that you add support for your other mod. I was thinking armor listed as "holy" shoul let you get some form of bonus defense vs undead creatures, and maybe even against "unholy" weapons, if you add them.

My other idea is to add some way(crafttweaker, json, config option, curse in enchanting, etc.) to make some armors/weapons as "unholy". These armors are weak to the weapons/armor listed as "holy". Also, this is theoretical, but could you possibly also make it so when you are wearing the "unholy" armor, you might be passable for one of the undead creatures of the nether. Another theoretical idea is that when wearing the unholy armor, priests won't trade with you, and may even send mobs(preferably iron golems) to attack you.

I feel these suggestions would be cool for people like modpack makers.

Sincerely, -Enderborn1235