illusivesoulworks / consecration

Minecraft Mod: Makes the undead more resilent except against fire and holy damage, and adds new features to help you slay them
4 stars 5 forks source link

Updated config to allow for BW compat #44

Closed Sunconure11 closed 4 years ago

Sunconure11 commented 4 years ago

Performing some minor compat on both ends. As it was requested by someone, I decided to look into it, and added compat on my end for what would already work, but the only compat you'd really need on your end is a slight config change, since all of the things I have that work on undead are already supported by your mod, or should already work due to how your mod is laid out (i.e there is a block that lights undead on fire in my mod, that should work with your mod by default).

TheIllusiveC4 commented 4 years ago

I'll accept the change as it's necessary for compatibility regardless, but it doesn't work as of now. See this comment in the related issue for further clarification.