illusivesoulworks / consecration

Minecraft Mod: Makes the undead more resilent except against fire and holy damage, and adds new features to help you slay them
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Attach consecration to projectiles #65

Closed knighthawkUnlimited closed 1 year ago

knighthawkUnlimited commented 1 year ago

Hi, I was configuring the mod and although it is quite simple to add the consecration effect to melee items such as silver swords and the like, I am finding it quiet difficult to attach it to projectiles; both splash potion and arrow type projectiles.

I first noticed it when trying to attach the effect to the 'iron crossbow bolt' from Crossbowverhaul, which I have renamed silver :) ( but have also been unable to attach it to the throwing functionality of the 'silver knife' in Tools Complement (, the 'silver bomb' from Galosphere (, as well as both the 'Glowing Water' and 'Holy Hand Grenade' from Reliquary (

I hope it's not too much trouble, and thank you for the work you have put in already :)

P.S. Tetra compat seems to be broken in 1.18 (

TheIllusiveC4 commented 1 year ago

Attaching to projectiles needs to be done like this (usually):

  1. Create a custom datapack in your world save
  2. Create an entity type tag file located at consecration/tags/entity_types/holy.json
  3. In this tag file, add the projectiles as entities in the values array. For example, adding the Holy Hand Grenade from Reliquary:
  "replace": false,
  "values": ["reliquary:holy_hand_grenade"]

P.S. Tetra compat seems to be broken in 1.18 (

Tetra integration has been re-added in the latest update.

knighthawkUnlimited commented 1 year ago

Hey ho, finally got around to trying your solution and it doesn't appear to be working. I'll upload my holy.json in the off chance I got something wrong, but otherwise it might just be above my skill level.

{ "replace": false, "values": ["reliquary:holy_hand_grenade", "eliquary:glowing_water", "crossbowverhaul:bolt_iron", "tools_complement:silver_knife", "galosphere:silver_bomb"] }

Regardless, you have been a tremendous help; and thank you for your time :)

TheIllusiveC4 commented 1 year ago

Seems to be a typo at "eliquary:glowing_water". Make sure that is correct. If any of these entries are wrong, the entire tag will fail to parse.

knighthawkUnlimited commented 1 year ago

Thanks for catching that! :) still not working after fixing it however.

might be emblematic of something bigger however, after some testing the projectiles in tetra aren't working either; specifically

left clicking works, but with these specific weapon types it is not the only form of attack.

TheIllusiveC4 commented 1 year ago

Do you know if your tag file is working at all? For instance, if you add "minecraft:iron_golem", do their attacks deal holy damage as they should?