illusivesoulworks / consecration

Minecraft Mod: Makes the undead more resilent except against fire and holy damage, and adds new features to help you slay them
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(Suggestion) Silver/Holy Armour Bonus #9

Closed TechnoMysterio closed 5 years ago

TechnoMysterio commented 6 years ago

For an improvement to the mod, perhaps have silver armour (such as the one in Ice and Fire) or other types of holy wearables provide a bonus against undead mobs. Perhaps it could hurt undead mobs that attack you like the thorns enchantment, but perhaps with the added bonus of weakening or slowing the mobs too. Perhaps the player could gain a further damage bonus against undead mobs, or perhaps they could gain extra protection against undead attacks.

Just a small suggestion, but it could help give the player the upper hand against undead mobs, and it would help to make silver armour more useful.

TheIllusiveC4 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion. I've been considering something along these lines, but I'll have to workshop a few ideas first to see what works best.