illusivesoulworks / elytraslot

Minecraft Mod: Adds an accessory slot for the elytra so you can fly and wear chest armor at the same time.
39 stars 19 forks source link

"Enderite", "Deeper and Darker" and "Better End" Mod support #105

Closed MrMcSiber closed 2 weeks ago

MrMcSiber commented 2 months ago

What is the new feature or improvement?

All three of these mods add elytras that cant be used with the slot. Would love them to be added. And a 1.20.4 Version would be kinda tight.

TheIllusiveC4 commented 2 weeks ago

I tested these mods and they seem to be supported already. They should be, at least. If this is not the case, then please list submit a bug report with the version numbers of all the mods involved as well as the names of the items so that I can take a deeper dive.