illusivesoulworks / elytraslot

Minecraft Mod: Adds an accessory slot for the elytra so you can fly and wear chest armor at the same time.
39 stars 19 forks source link

[Bug]: Exit Code -1 #90

Closed Phoenix-warrior9 closed 2 weeks ago

Phoenix-warrior9 commented 8 months ago

Minecraft Version


What happened?

I was trying to get a mod that would add another slot to my back for armor and backpacks and stuff, but this Imidiatly crashes my game on start. I don't even get to the start screen when I see exit code -1(crash logs below).

How do you trigger this bug?

1.Starting the game 2. 3. ...



Loader Version

Forge -43.2.3

API Version

No response

Mod Version


Relevant Log Outputs

TheIllusiveC4 commented 2 weeks ago

The crash report doesn't show any errors from Elytra Slot. The errors are mainly from missing registry objects from other mods, although I'm not sure where the original source of those errors are coming from.