illusivesoulworks / elytraslot

Minecraft Mod: Adds an accessory slot for the elytra so you can fly and wear chest armor at the same time.
39 stars 19 forks source link

that the elitras slot mod is compatible with fltpot-1.20.1-0.3.0 #98

Closed yHenriTopper closed 2 weeks ago

yHenriTopper commented 5 months ago

What is the new feature or improvement?

I suppose the same thing must happen here, the elytras cannot be put in the elytras slot because the mod fltpot-1.20.1-0.3.0 adds an item similar to the elytras, they are not elytras, but there will be some way that they are compatible? Or would it be better to wait for the creator of the fltpot-1.20.1-0.3.0 mod to make it possible?

TheIllusiveC4 commented 2 weeks ago

The wings from that mod are different enough from elytras that it would be best for them to code their own integration for Curios/Trinkets.