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Example invoicing application in ASP.NET MVC3
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Build errors #1

Closed Chizzl closed 12 years ago

Chizzl commented 12 years ago

Hello iloire,

When I download your latest version and try to build in VS2010 (on a Win7 Client), I get the following error;

The type or namespace name 'Elmah' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

The Elmah reference is showing an exclamation mark. I could download the dll and add a new reference, but I feel it should be able to build directly after download. Or is that feeling incorrect?

(I tried adding a new reference again to the elmah.dll already, but then same problem with NUnit, so I felt it's better to check with you first if I'm doing something wrong)

iloire commented 12 years ago

Hi Chizzl,

I added the necessary elmah.dll to the packages folder (there was a .gitignore rule that was stopping git from adding them) I will add in the future a way of installing packages without having to handle the binaries in git, tough, I think it will be more correct.

You can try to pull now, should work fine.

Chizzl commented 12 years ago


Thanks for the update, but when I build now, I get (59) errors on NUnit and several Test... attributes.

The type or namespace name 'NUnit' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) The type or namespace name 'TestFixture' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) ...

Same problem I guess?

iloire commented 12 years ago

Yes, sort of :)

I added NUnit manually, I didn't use NuGet for that, so you may have to do the same (not a big deal).

I may create a better way when I have some spare time.

Meantime, you can just run the web application (it doesn't have a reference to NUnit) and include manually the NUnit reference if you want to run the tests.