ilovenetruinos / ev3g-odometry

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[Maths] Create a block for Atan2 #17

Open jabrena opened 7 years ago

jabrena commented 7 years ago

To develop the method GoTo(x,y), it is necessary to calculate this formula.

atan2(dY,dX) will give you the absolute heading of pendpend with respect to pstartpstart.

Four-quadrant inverse tangent. atan2(Y,X) returns the four-quadrant inverse tangent (tan-1) of Y and X, which must be real.



Create this block in the file odometry-maths.ev3 and import later in odometry.ev3 to be used in the GoTo(x,y) methods


jabrena commented 7 years ago

This link has a possible implementation:

x = -2
y = 2
angle = calculateAngle(y, x);

double CalculateAngle(double y, double x)
    double angle = 0;
    if (x == 0)
        if (y == 0)
            angle = 0;
        else if (y > 0)
            angle = Math.PI/2;
            angle = -Math.PI/2;
        angle = Math.Atan(y/x);
        if (x < 0)
            if (y > 0)
                angle += Math.PI;
            else if (y < 0)
                angle -= Math.PI;
                angle = Math.PI;
    return angle;
jabrena commented 7 years ago

This link is pretty interesting:

The function atan2(y,x) is defined as:

atan2(y,x) = tan^-1 (y/x) with respect to the quadrant the point (x, y) is in. In case you didn't know, with respect to point (x, y): 

(x, y) is in Quadrant I if x > 0 and y > 0
(x, y) is in Quadrant II if x < 0 and y > 0
(x, y) is in Quadrant III if x < 0 and y < 0
(x, y) is in Quadrant IV if x > 0 and y < 0

If the point is in quadrant I:
Use atan(y/x)

If the point is in quadrant II or III:
Use atan(y/x) + 180° in degrees mode
Use atan(y/x) + π in radians mode

If the point is in quadrant IV:
Use atan(y/x) + 360° in degrees mode
Use atan(y/x) + 2*π in radians mode

Special cases have to be used x or y is equal to 0:

If x=0 and y<0, the angle is 270° (3*π/2 radians)
If x=0 and y>0, the angle is 90° (π/2 radians)
If y=0 and x<0, the angle is 180° (π radians) 
If y=0 and x>0, the angle is 360° or 0° (2*π or 0 radians)
jabrena commented 7 years ago

jabrena commented 7 years ago

jabrena commented 7 years ago

jabrena commented 7 years ago

It is possible test results online:

jabrena commented 7 years ago

It is necessary to review tests. Creating the concept about Assert to automate Math tests

jabrena commented 7 years ago

It is necessary to test with the second definition of Atan2 in order to run all Automated Test:

jabrena commented 7 years ago


a = y;
b = x;

jabrena commented 7 years ago

jabrena commented 7 years ago

jabrena commented 7 years ago

public double aTan2(double y, double x) {
    double coeff_1 = Math.PI / 4d;
    double coeff_2 = 3d * coeff_1;
    double abs_y = Math.abs(y);
    double angle;
    if (x >= 0d) {
        double r = (x - abs_y) / (x + abs_y);
        angle = coeff_1 - coeff_1 * r;
    } else {
        double r = (x + abs_y) / (abs_y - x);
        angle = coeff_2 - coeff_1 * r;
    return y < 0d ? -angle : angle;

// Fast arctan2
float arctan2(float y, float x)
   coeff_1 = pi/4;
   coeff_2 = 3*coeff_1;
   abs_y = fabs(y)+1e-10      // kludge to prevent 0/0 condition
   if (x>=0)
      r = (x - abs_y) / (x + abs_y);
      angle = coeff_1 - coeff_1 * r;
      r = (x + abs_y) / (abs_y - x);
      angle = coeff_2 - coeff_1 * r;
   if (y < 0)
   return(-angle);     // negate if in quad III or IV
jabrena commented 7 years ago

Testing Algorithm: Volkan Salma:

float atan2_approximation1(float y, float x)
    //Volkan SALMA

    const float ONEQTR_PI = M_PI / 4.0;
    const float THRQTR_PI = 3.0 * M_PI / 4.0;
    float r, angle;
    float abs_y = fabs(y) + 1e-10f;      // kludge to prevent 0/0 condition
    if ( x < 0.0f )
        r = (x + abs_y) / (abs_y - x);
        angle = THRQTR_PI;
        r = (x - abs_y) / (x + abs_y);
        angle = ONEQTR_PI;
    angle += (0.1963f * r * r - 0.9817f) * r;
    if ( y < 0.0f )
        return( -angle );     // negate if in quad III or IV
        return( angle );

jabrena commented 7 years ago

The implementation based on Volkan Salma run, but it is not perfect. Next week, it is necessary to test other implentation

jabrena commented 7 years ago

At the moment, the Block Atan2, has 3 implementations:

Implementation1: Wikipedia, definition 1:

This implementation has some problems for some cases.

Implementation 2: Gamedev:

This implementation doesn´t work.

Implementation 3: Approximation 1 from Volkan Salma:

This implementation works but exist some cases that it is necessary to tune.

jabrena commented 7 years ago

Next week, I will implement the second case of Volkan:

this idea:

and this implementation:

jabrena commented 7 years ago

Other implementation:

a := min (|x|, |y|) / max (|x|, |y|)
s := a * a
r := ((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a
if |y| > |x| then r := 1.57079637 - r
if x < 0 then r := 3.14159274 - r
if y < 0 then r := -r
jabrena commented 7 years ago

jabrena commented 7 years ago