ilpersi / BHBot

A bot that automates a game called Bit Heroes
GNU General Public License v3.0
28 stars 32 forks source link

java error #145

Closed eif0x closed 4 years ago

eif0x commented 4 years ago

after use ini.bat and set all the settings i use bhbot.bat and get this error.


Fortigate commented 4 years ago

This is caused by an error in the settings file, if you attach a copy (make sure to remove any personal information) I can have a look. Otherwise type 'resetini' into the console to return the settings file to defaults and try and reconfigure.

eif0x commented 4 years ago

with a fresh settings file it run fine but i cant find what i make wrong there are my setting:

# Enable/disable various activities
# (r=raids, d=dungeons, w=worldboss, t=trials, g=gauntlet, p=pvp, e=expedition, i=invasion, v=gvg, b=bounties, a=fishing baits collection, f=fishing)
# If both Dungeons and World Boss are enabled Dungeons will take priority
# To disable an activity, just remove the corresponding letter from the setting
# The bot will prioritise the activities from left to right while resources are available.
# E.G You can set Raids to lowest priority to ensure other resources don't cap while using shard baskets.
activitiesEnabled a t g p e v i w r b

# If round robin is enabled the bot will check the activities in order, in a repeating loop.
# This gives equal priority weighting to all activities.
activitiesRoundRobin 0

# Set maximum resources (For calculating values with guild perks)
maxShards 7
maxTokens 15
maxTickets 15
maxBadges 15

# Set minimum resources (Amount for the bot to leave for manual play)
minShards 1
minTokens 1
minEnergyPercentage 10
minTickets 1
minBadges 1

# Set resource cost of activities
costPVP 3
costGVG 5
costTrials 5
costGauntlet 5
costInvasion 5
costExpedition 5
baitAmount 1

# Trials/Gauntlet difficulty level
difficultyGauntlet 500
difficultyTrials 500

# Decrease difficulty when you lose
# format: <dungeon_type>:<levels_to_decrease>:[minimum_level]
# Only Expedition, Trials and Gauntlet supported, you can mix them as you want (e=expedition, t=trials, g=gauntlet)
# Example 'difficultyFailsafe t:1 g:5:100' -> you lose a trial, difficultyTrials is decreased by 1. you lose a gauntlet, difficultyGauntlet is decreased by 5 to a minimum level of 100
difficultyFailsafe t:5 g:5:100

# Increase difficulty after a given number of victories in a row
# format: <dungeon_type>:<required_victories_in_a_row>:<levels_to_increase>
# Only Trials and Gauntlet supported, you can mix them as you want (t=trials, g=gauntlet)
# Example 'successThreshold t:10:1 g:10:1' -> you win 10 trials in a row, difficultyTrials is increased by 1. You win 10 gauntlets in a row, difficultyGauntlet is increased by 1
successThreshold t:5:1 g:5:1

# PvP Opponent selection (select from the 1st to the 4th opponent in the PvP screen)
pvpOpponent 2

# GvG Opponent selection (select from the 1st to the 4th opponent in the GvG screen)
gvgOpponent 2

# World Boss Settings
# Format is 'worldBoss n 3 9'
# o=orlag, n=nether, m=melvin, 3=3xt3rmin4tion,  b=Brimstone Syndicate, t=Titans Attack followed by difficulty, then tier
worldBoss 3 1 11
# World Boss Timer (time to get a full lobby, on timeout return to main screen)
worldBossTimer 60
# If the lobby doesn't fill in time, run a dungeon instead? (0 = no, 1 = yes), useful for non peak hours
dungeonOnTimeout 1
# World Boss solo setting
worldBossSolo 0

# Auto-revive Settings (Auto-revive needs "Disable auto-pilot on death" setting to be enabled in game to work)
# format is autoRevive t g r e
# (t=trials, g=gauntlet, r=raid, e=expedition)
autoRevive t g r e
# Order to attempt to use revives (3 is 100% revive, 2 is 60%, 1 is 40%)
potionOrder 123
# Maximum potions to use per activity
potionLimit 5
# Enable this setting to use 100% revives on the tank position, as they tend to need them the most
# format is tankPriority t g r e
# (t=trials, g=gauntlet, r=raid, e=expedition)
tankPriority t g r e
# Tank position (5 is rear, 1 is front)
tankPosition 1

# Auto-shrine (automatically attempt to save shrines for trials/raid boss encounters.)
# format is autoShrine t r e
# (t=trials, r=raid, e=expedition)
autoShrine t r e
# Battle delay, this is the time with no encounters before enabling shrines.
battleDelay 30
# Shrine delay, this is the delay to traverse the map for shrines before enabling the boss
shrineDelay 20

# Auto-runes (automatically switch between minor runes depending on activity type).
# Rune types are "experience", "item_find", "capture" and "gold".
# When given a specific rune type for a rune slot, the highest grade rune of that type available for that slot will be
# chosen (e.g. when an "item_find" rune is specified, and a given slot has both an epic and a common item find rune
# equipped, the epic rune will always be preferred).
# Default rune set; this is the rune set loaded if not specified in the "autoRune" setting, below.
# Format is "autoRuneDefault <left rune type> [<right rune type>]"; if right rune is not defined, left rune will be
# used for both left and right slots.  If autoRuneDefault is not defined, autoRune and autoBossRune will be disabled.
#autoRuneDefault experience
# Auto-runes; use these runes when performing the specified activity.
# Format is "autoRune <activity> <left rune type> [<right rune type>]; <activity> ...".
# Activities are: d=dungeon, e=expedition, g=gauntlet, i=invasion, p=pvp, v=gvg, r=raid, t=trials, w=worldboss.
#autoRune g item_find; i item_find; w item_find
# Boss runes; use these runes when fighting a boss in one of the above activities (it will switch to the boss
# rune immediately before fighting the boss).  NB: This requires auto-shrines to be enabled.
# Format is "autoBossRune <activity> <left rune> [<right rune>]; <activity> ..."
#autoBossRune r item_find; e item_find; t item_find

# Dungeon solo threshold
# This zone and zones under it will be run solo to complete solo heroic bounties
minSolo 1

# Dungeons to run
# format is: z2d1 3 50;z2d4 50; first is zone/dungeon, second is difficulty and third is chance to run (z4's don't need difficulty defined)
dungeons z2d1 3 50; z3d1 3 50

# Dungeons/Raids to run on Wednesday (if you want to take advantage of capture day enter dungeons/raids here, else delete/comment out the lines)
#wednesdayDungeons z2d1 3 50; z3d1 3 50
#wednesdayRaids 1 3 100

# List of expeditions we want to do (there are 4 portals: p1, p2, p3 and p4) followed by the difficulty level and the chance to run
# Examples:
# 'p1 250 70;p2 230 30' ==> in 70% of cases it will do p1 at lvl 250, in 30% of cases it will do p2 at lvl 230
expeditions p1 10 25;p2 10 25;p3 10 25;p4 10 25

# Raids to run
# format is: 6 3 20;1 3 50; first is raid tier, second is difficulty level and the third is chance to run
raids 8 2 100

# PvP Stripping (You can unequip items to lower your TS to avoid high level players).
# Delete the line if you do not need it.
# fomat is: pvpstrip b r 
# (m=mainhand, o=offhand, b=body, r=ring, h=head, n=neck)
#pvpstrip o r
# same as pvpstrip, intented for GVG
#gvgstrip o r

# if autoconsume is 1 (enabled), then bot will automatically consume consumables defined by 'consumables' string
autoconsume 1

# the 'consumables' string defines consumables (separated by spaces) that should be always in use.
# Example: "consumables exp_minor item_major gold_average". This will make sure those 3 consumables are always in use.
# Possible consumable types are: exp_*, item_*, speed_* and gold_* (where * is minor, average or major).
consumables exp_minor speed_minor gold_minor item_minor

# Familiar encounter management based on type. Using this setting you can decide if you want to persuade/bribe encounters
# base on minimumb the level of the familiar. Possible values are 0 to do nothing, 1 to persuade/bribe starting from COMMON
# familiars, 2 to start from RARE, # 3 for EPIC, 4 for LEGENDARY.
# Exmple
# persuasionLevel 2 <- only familiars that are at least RARE will be persuaded
# bribeLevel 4 <- only LEGENDARY familiars will be automatically bribed.
# This parameter has the precedence over the familiars one

persuasionLevel 2
bribeLevel 4

# To get the list of all currently available familiars use the 'print familiars' command while the bot is running

# format is 'familiars squib 5; astaroth 1; violace 2'. familiar name first, amount you want to bribe second
# When a familiar is bribed this file will be automatically updated with the updated bribe counter
familiars ragnar 4; nosdoodoo 2; yeti 2; squib 2

# Misc settings
# Do you want BHBot to automatically start chromedriver for you?
autoStartChromeDriver 1
# Skeleton chest opening (0=decline all, 1=open all, 2=open in raid only)
openSkeletonChest 0

# Enable/disable various screenshots for logging
# (w=weekly rewards, d=daily rewards, a=fishing bait, b=bounties, dg=daily gems, wg=weekly gems, fe=familiar encounters, s=skeleton chest)

# Development settings

# Saves a screenshot when encountering based on the type of the familiar
# 0 to do nothing, 1 to shoot starting from COMMON familiars, 2 from RARE, 3 from EPIC, 4 for LEGENDARY.
familiarScreenshot 1
# Do you want to contribute to familiar cue collecting? Setting this to 1 will upload cue of familiar names to a
# space where developers can use it to improve the detection. Please note that to keep your privacy safe only the
# portion of the screen containing the name of the familiar will be uploaded
contributeFamiliars 1

# BHBot log settings
# Where do you want to save the logs? (/logs/ by default)
logBaseDir logs
# What is the default level of the logs? There are different level available from debug to fatal. The debug level is
# extremely verbose and it is only recommended for developers
# debug, info, warn, error, fatal
logLevel info
# How many days of logs do we store?
logMaxDays 30

# Debug settings
debugDetectionTimes 0
hideWindowOnRestart 0
reconnectTimer 10

# This section of the setting is dedicated to the Pushover integration
# Do you want to enable the Pushover integration?
enablePushover 0
# Pushover APP_TOKEN
poAppToken yourAppToken
# Pushover USER_TOKEN
poUserToken yourUserToken
# Do you want to be notified when BHbot crash?
poNotifyCrash 1
# Keep alive notification to be triggered every n hours
poNotifyAlive 6
# Do you want to be notified when BHbot finds unexpected errors?
poNotifyErrors 1
# Do you want to be notified when you receive a PM?
poNotifyPM 1
# Do you want to be notified of bribed familiars?
poNotifyBribe 1
# Do you want to be notified of special drops?
# (l for legendary, s for set, m for mythical)
poNotifyDrop l s e
ilpersi commented 4 years ago

If you do not want to have periodic screenshots please just comment out the screenshots option. Leaving it with no values as you did will cause this issue.

eif0x commented 4 years ago


ilpersi commented 4 years ago

In future similars errors won't trigger a Java errot,, but will make the bot stop with a more descriptive message.

Thank you for the contribution.