Hello, I downloaded the argos3-git package from the Arch User Repository for Arch Linux and got this error after building:
brandon@brandons-pc $ argos3 -q all
[FATAL] Can't load library "/usr/lib/argos3/libargos3plugin_simulator_media.so" after trying the following:
/usr/lib/argos3/libargos3plugin_simulator_media.so: /usr/lib/argos3/libargos3plugin_simulator_media.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5argos32CDirectionalLEDEntityGridUpdaterC1ERNS_5CGridINS_21CDirectionalLEDEntityEEE
/usr/lib/argos3/libargos3plugin_simulator_media.so.so: /usr/lib/argos3/libargos3plugin_simulator_media.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/argos3/libargos3plugin_simulator_media.so.so: /usr/lib/argos3/libargos3plugin_simulator_media.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
After reading this explanation of a previous issue I decided to try and track down the symbols which were not being found and modified the target_link_library calls in CMakeLists.txt. After making the following modifications I was no longer getting error messages and was able to run simulations.
I decided to post my solution here since I have no experience with CMake outside of building this project. I don't know if I fixed something which will cause issues in the future.
Here's some more info which may help in determining why I ran into this issue:
brandon@brandons-pc $ uname -a
Linux brandons-pc 6.7.0-arch3-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sat, 13 Jan 2024 14:37:14 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
brandon@brandons-pc $ ld --version
GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.41.0
And finally, the Arch User Repository PKGBUILD which built the package on my system just followed the instructions in README.txt for downloading the repo from github and building the simulator with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX set to /usr and ARGOS_BUILD_NATIVE set to ON.
Thanks! I am not the maintainer of the Arch packages, so having this fix is definitely valuable. I'll have a look at it and incorporate it in the main branch.
Hello, I downloaded the argos3-git package from the Arch User Repository for Arch Linux and got this error after building:
After reading this explanation of a previous issue I decided to try and track down the symbols which were not being found and modified the target_link_library calls in CMakeLists.txt. After making the following modifications I was no longer getting error messages and was able to run simulations.
I decided to post my solution here since I have no experience with CMake outside of building this project. I don't know if I fixed something which will cause issues in the future.
Here's some more info which may help in determining why I ran into this issue:
And finally, the Arch User Repository PKGBUILD which built the package on my system just followed the instructions in README.txt for downloading the repo from github and building the simulator with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX set to /usr and ARGOS_BUILD_NATIVE set to ON.