ilrt / Beyond2022TeiTemplate

Work on creating a template for the TEI/XML that will be used in the Medieval Gold Seam and other seams
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Should we record relevant printed or digital material related to a source? #15

Open MikeJ1971 opened 3 years ago

MikeJ1971 commented 3 years ago

We can have bibliographies in the header. Do we want to do that?

For the MPESE project, we recorded printed versions of pamphlets and made a distinction between the seventeenth-century printed versions of a pamphlet in manuscript form, modern editions, and modern journal articles or books that discussed a particular pamphlet. See the end of RaleighSpeechDeath1618.pdf to see how the bibliographies were used.

In our example, I've created a bibliography that lists the printed volume by Paul and Brendan; and a link to the blog post I wrote for the Jean Golding Institute about the work I did with Brendan on the roll.

               <bibl type="book">
                  <title>Handbook &amp; select calendar of sources for medieval Ireland in the
                     National Archives of the United Kingdom</title>
                  <publisher>Four Courts Press</publisher>
                  <date when="2015">2005</date>
               <bibl type="website">
                     >Digital Humanities meets Medieval Financial Records</title>
                  <publisher>Jean Golding Instute, University of Bristol</publisher>
                  <date when="2020-08-10">10 August 2020</date>

We can reduce the markup if needed. For example, we could reduce the editor and author To

<editor>Paul Dryburgh</editor>

Or reduce the whole bibliographic item:

    <bibl>Paul Dryburgh and Brendan Smith. Handbook &amp; select calendar of sources for medieval Ireland in the
                     National Archives of the United Kingdom. (Dublin, 2005)</bibl>

However, this reduces options on rendering bibliographies to different citation styles.

crooksp commented 3 years ago

Yes, we would like to be able to encode such references or cross-references. We would ideally include those items in the Beyond 2022 database, so they will themselves have a UID that could be encoded here.

munnellg commented 3 years ago

For linking to a bibliography, we can either link to sources that exist in the database, or sources that exist outside the database.

Sources outside the database are referenced using a URL, so if it isn't expected that a bibliography item will be in the B2022 database, then the main thing that you want in the listBibl element is a URL such as a DOI which can be used to find the item.

If the source is in the B2022 database then we can use the document's unique reference number to create a link.

MikeJ1971 commented 3 years ago

Look at how we can link to bibliographic items in the Beyond 2022