C# client to interact with a particular PocketBase application: an ORM mapped to your PocketBase server. [This project is in active development. The things described below could change]
Using the generated code to write back records and update records to a table called "Game" containing a "Date (UTC)" column. The values are always written back as null value.
Using following code
game = pb.Data.GamesCollection.Filter(....).FirstOrDefault();
var datetime = DateTime.Now;
game.Date = datetime;
The Date column value for the specific record will be null.
The bug is detected in following file:
public class DateTimeConverter : JsonConverter<DateTime?>
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, DateTime? value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
if (value is null)
/// => is the current code : writer.WriteStringValue(value?.ToString());
/// Must be replaced by
Using the generated code to write back records and update records to a table called "Game" containing a "Date (UTC)" column. The values are always written back as null value.
Using following code
The Date column value for the specific record will be null.
The bug is detected in following file: sdk/pocketbase-csharp-sdk/Json/DateTimeConverter.cs