ilyaDovgopol / homepage

My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Скласти додаткові інформаційні блоки #11

Closed ilyaDovgopol closed 5 years ago

ilyaDovgopol commented 5 years ago

Можна зробити резюме менш формальним, додавши додаткові блоки, які містять корисну інформацію, але подають її в "розважальній" формі. Наприклад, що подобається і не подобається, сильні і слабкі сторони, перелік навиків чи хобі, інфографіка або ж інтерактивні модулі, тощо. Варто написати контент такого блоку раніше, ніж починати верстку, бо його розміри впливатимуть на розміщення елементів на сторінці.

nick-mychka commented 5 years ago
                                <p class="tags small"><span class="language" lang="en">&#x1f1fa;&#x1f1f8; ENGLISH</span></p>
                                <p class="tags small">Negotiating counting remodeling writing acing singing reporting incorporating selling advertising hosting competing twitting parenting gambling dating suing organizing funding debating advising presbyterianing</p>

                                <p class="tags small">Adjusted calm ambitious competitive sociable direct hostile careless ignorant inquisitive bold confident mischievous charming interesting daring colorful lazy self-promoting</p>
                                <p class="tags small">Billions filet-o-fish big mac china quarter pounder diet coke tariffs bible artof deal patriots beautiful models gold real estate war protesters construction russians banks sports women mexico red hat koreans golf everybody</p>
                                <p class="tags small">dogs media cnn germans mexicans immigrants shithole countries unattractive women blacks sushi hot-dogs alcohol fruit christmas parties liberals</p>
                                <p class="tags small bulleted">Be healthy grow a tree build trump airport have a taste do a harlem shake in congress to golf more often win all the court suits</p>
                                <ul class="timeline">
                                        <p>Asked friends who are prominent and wealthy alumni of the New York Military Academy to secure my academic records so they could not be seen by anyone, never!</p>
                                        <p>Transferred to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and graduated in May 1968 with a B.S. in economics</p>
                                        <p>Started studying in Fordham University</p>
                                        <p>Enrolled in the New York Military Academy, a private boarding school, after my parents discovered I made frequent trips into Manhattan without their permission</p>