ilyasbelfar / Outlook-Account-Creator

✨🚀A Fast And FunCaptcha Solving Outlook Account Creator Using Python & Selenium Webdriver✨🚀
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NopeCHA issue #4

Open gapeienko644a opened 1 year ago

gapeienko644a commented 1 year ago

I has my own NopeCHA, a little bit fixed the way to add extension, then manually added key, but NopeCHA still dont wont to solve captcha

ilyasbelfar commented 1 year ago

The problem is in Nopecha extension for sure because it is free, anyways since you are ready to buy credits I suggest you to modify this python script and use 2Captcha API to bypass Outlook captcha and it works 100%. If you don't know how and you want me to do it for you, give me your telegram to contact you.

gapeienko644a commented 1 year ago

I know how, working on this for couple days, but i woud like to stay in contact. try to solve and make "perfect" way to autoreg. outlook mail. I tested NopeCHA at; Github captcha was solved, it is the same way as outlook captcha, but somewhy NopeCHA cant solve it, at the same time at activity monitor outlook shows like "solved" at and nothing happend at the end :/ Infinity loop of solving but without progress at page of registration chrome_7pEDDxY1eJ image image

John-Wick23 commented 1 year ago

Could you help me implement 2captcha? I am not able to do so for Outlook.

asherppan commented 10 months ago

I get an error that says the crx file is unreadable.