ilyashubin / scrollbooster

Enjoyable content drag-to-scroll library
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Unable to test component using Scrollbooster #69

Open AlexanderVikenfalk opened 3 years ago

AlexanderVikenfalk commented 3 years ago


I have a component which relies on refs and Scrollbooster (see below). When trying to mount the component with Enzyme I get an error saying:

at processImmediate (timers.js:658:5) ReferenceError: Element is not defined at new t (/home/vikenfalk/third-party-client/tp-client/node_modules/scrollbooster/dist/webpack:/ScrollBooster/src/index.js:76:70)

If I log the reference that I'm passing to the Scrollbooster it looks fine and identical to what I can see when I run the actual application. The error seems to be related to JSDOM, but I'm wondering if anybody knows a way around this issue so that I can mount the component and test the calculations within the UseEffect function?

const ProgressBarScroller = (props) => {
    const [progressbarWrapperRef, progressBarTaskRef, progressBarRef] = [
    const getElementWidth = (refName) => refName.current.getBoundingClientRect().width;

    useEffect(() => {
        if (!progressBarTaskRef.current || !progressBarRef.current || !progressbarWrapperRef.current) return;

        const taskWidth = getElementWidth(progressBarTaskRef);
        const progressBarWidth = getElementWidth(progressBarRef);
        const progressbarWrapperWidth = getElementWidth(progressbarWrapperRef);

        const middleOfActiveTask =
            (props.currentTaskIndex + 1) * taskWidth - taskWidth / 2;
        const requestedX = middleOfActiveTask - progressbarWrapperWidth / 2;
        const maxPossibleX = progressBarWidth - progressbarWrapperWidth;

        const scroller = new scrollBooster({
            viewport: progressbarWrapperRef.current,
            direction: 'horizontal',
            scrollMode: 'transform',
            friction: 0.2

         * returns 0 if requested X position is lower than minimum.
         * returns the highest possible X position if requested X is higher than maximum.
         * Otherwise returns requested X position.
         * @returns {number}
        const getValidXPosition = () => {
            return requestedX <= 0 ? 0
                : requestedX >= maxPossibleX ? maxPossibleX
                    : requestedX;

        (function moveToDefaultPosition() {
                x: getValidXPosition(),
                y: 0

        //Cleans up ScrollBooster on unmount
        return () => {
    }, []);

    return (
        <div className={'cs-progressbar'} ref={progressbarWrapperRef}>
            <ul className={`cs-progressbar__list`} ref={progressBarRef}>
                {, index) => {
                    return (
                                props.currentTaskIndex === index
                                    ? progressBarTaskRef
                                    : null
library version
enzyme 3.11.0
react 16.13.1
react-dom 16.13.1
react-test-renderer 17.0.1
scrollbooster 2.3.0