ilyavolodin / NSPanel

NSPanel through ESPHome
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Configuration generation error (Automation from blueprint) #2

Open pborsiak opened 1 year ago

pborsiak commented 1 year ago

I tried to make a fresh blueprint for my NSPanelUS, but everytime I get below error:

NSP-teather is using an unknown service
Automation "NSP-teather" (automation.nsp_teather) has an action that calls an unknown service: esphome.teather_send_command_font_color.

This error prevents the automation from working properly. Maybe this service is no longer available, or maybe it was a typo.

To fix this error, edit the automation and remove the activity that calls this service.

Click COMMIT below to confirm that you have fixed this automation.
pborsiak commented 1 year ago

have found the issue - line 2630 - this is where the script try to use that function. Removing this line makes script work excellent