im-perativa / streamlit-calendar

A Streamlit component to show calendar view using FullCalendar
Apache License 2.0
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Display bug when inside a tab that is not the first tab #3

Open diogovalentte opened 9 months ago

diogovalentte commented 9 months ago

I'm having an issue when using the calendar inside a tab where only a little part of the calendar is displayed. The calendar gets back to normal after interaction with it by clicking on the calendar buttons.


This only happens when the calendar is in a tab that is not the first tab. Example code below:

with tab1: show_calendar() with tab2: pass

- Bad, don't works:
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs("tab1", "tab2")

with tab1:
with tab2:
im-perativa commented 9 months ago

Hi @diogovalentte , I can't replicate this issue on my end. What version of streamlit are you using and what is inside the show_calendar() function?

This is a sample code that works for me

import streamlit as st

    page_title="Demo for streamlit-calendar", page_icon="📆", layout="wide"

tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Tab 1", "Tab 2"])

with tab1:

with tab2:
    events = [
            "title": "Event 1",
            "color": "#FF6C6C",
            "start": "2023-07-03",
            "end": "2023-07-05",
            "resourceId": "a",
            "title": "Event 2",
            "color": "#FFBD45",
            "start": "2023-07-01",
            "end": "2023-07-10",
            "resourceId": "b",
            "title": "Event 3",
            "color": "#FF4B4B",
            "start": "2023-07-20",
            "end": "2023-07-20",
            "resourceId": "c",
    calendar_resources = [
        {"id": "a", "building": "Building A", "title": "Room A"},
        {"id": "b", "building": "Building A", "title": "Room B"},
        {"id": "c", "building": "Building B", "title": "Room C"},

    calendar_options = {
        "editable": "true",
        "navLinks": "true",
        "resources": calendar_resources,
        "headerToolbar": {
            "left": "today prev,next",
            "center": "title",
            "right": "dayGridDay,dayGridWeek,dayGridMonth",
        "initialDate": "2023-07-01",
        "initialView": "dayGridMonth",

        events=st.session_state.get("events", events),
        .fc-event-past {
            opacity: 0.8;
        .fc-event-time {
            font-style: italic;
        .fc-event-title {
            font-weight: 700;
        .fc-toolbar-title {
            font-size: 2rem;
diogovalentte commented 9 months ago

Hi @im-perativa , thanks for the replay!

I'm using streamlit 1.27.2.

The code is:

    def show_calendar(games: dict):
        games_gallery_col, calendar_col = st.columns([0.35, 0.75], gap="small")
        with games_gallery_col:
        with calendar_col:
            calendar_events = list()
            for name, game in games.items():
                    "title": name,
                    "start": game["ReleaseDate"]
            calendar_options = {
                "initialView": "dayGridMonth",
                "fixedWeekCount": False,
                "navLinks": True,
                "headerToolbar": {
                    "left": "today prev,next",
                    "center": "title",
                    "right": "resourceTimelineDay,resourceTimelineWeek,resourceTimelineMonth",
                "titleFormat": {
                    "year": "numeric",
                    "month": "long"
            custom_css = """
                .fc-event-past {
                    opacity: 0.8;
                .fc-scrollgrid-liquid {
                    height: 59%;
                .fc-event-time {
                    font-style: italic;
                .fc-event-title {
                    font-weight: 700;
                .fc-toolbar-title {
                    font-size: 2rem;
            to_be_released_calendar = calendar(

I can confirm that not using the arguments events, options, and custom_css of the calendar function doesn't fix the bug.

MichaelSeitz98 commented 9 months ago

Hi I face the same issue like @diogovalentte. In the first Tab the calendar view is fine (and it keeps getting displayed). In the second tab, the calendar is shown for a few seconds, but then immediately disappears.

im-perativa commented 9 months ago

Hi @MichaelSeitz98, I still can't replicate this issue. Would you like to provide your code/link to the repo?

diogovalentte commented 8 months ago

Hi @im-perativa, maybe this helps, here is the project I'm having this issue with, the readme shows how to run the project, but if you have any questions feel free to ask me.

jonathanhoskin commented 7 months ago

I'm having a similar problem to this too. If I place the component in a tab, it just gets appended to the end of the main st page, instead of inside the tab. In my case I have six tabs and I am placing the calendar on the last tab.

amitmadahar commented 3 months ago

Hi @im-perativa, Just came accross this issue. It happens intermittently in my app. Something to do with iframe height not being set correct. The calender is present but squashed. I am playing with CSS to see if it can be expanded.

Open devtools and refresh the app and the calender renders ok...that how I learned that it has something to with iframe size not getting set correctly.

I have raised a separate issue as I noted this discussion afterwards. Let me know if you would like me to close that.

amitmadahar commented 3 months ago

Temporary fix - adjust the height to your liking. It would be great if this can be one the input CSS to the calender.

        calendar_style = """
                    iframe[title="streamlit_calendar.calendar"] {
                        height: 1500px; 
        st.markdown(calendar_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)