I see the rewrite has made a lot of progress, and it's brilliant ! I can't wait for the functions to be implemented.
Using Scaffold a lot these times, I was thinking that a generic Color class would be a great thing to have. What I mean by "generic" is a function that would let us manipulate and convert colors from one single function. It would take a color as input, have an output format and return the reformatted color.
This would give "color input" -> "color output" :
background: color(#FF0000, rgb); // would output rgb(XXX, XXX, XXX);
background: color(rgb(250, 134, 155), hex); // would output #XXXXXX;
background: color(hsla(250, 134, 155, 80), rgba); // would output rgba(XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX);
background: color(rgba(250, 134, 155, 50), image); // would output url(path/to/transparent-image.png);
and so on...
Another thing that could be great would be the ability to manipulate those colors using rgb or hsl :
I see the rewrite has made a lot of progress, and it's brilliant ! I can't wait for the functions to be implemented.
Using Scaffold a lot these times, I was thinking that a generic Color class would be a great thing to have. What I mean by "generic" is a function that would let us manipulate and convert colors from one single function. It would take a color as input, have an output format and return the reformatted color.
This would give "color input" -> "color output" :
background: color(#FF0000, rgb); // would output rgb(XXX, XXX, XXX); background: color(rgb(250, 134, 155), hex); // would output #XXXXXX; background: color(hsla(250, 134, 155, 80), rgba); // would output rgba(XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX); background: color(rgba(250, 134, 155, 50), image); // would output url(path/to/transparent-image.png); and so on...
Another thing that could be great would be the ability to manipulate those colors using rgb or hsl :
background: color(hsl-adjust(#FF0000, +10, -10, +20), rgb); background: color(rgb-adjust(#FF0000, +100, -50, +20), hex);
The implementation is to be thought a little more obviously, but you get the idea. Maybe it could be pluggable to handle some more cases.
Any thought ?