In our CMS we are using Scaffold (well the old version). Originally we passed the CSS files via the urls as indicated in the Wiki by doing:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/scaffold/parse.php?file=/path/to/file.css />
In the older version we always had issues with Scaffold stuffing up url() CSS properties, so rather than rewriting we came up with the following .htaccess
This way we can still reference our CSS normally without touching our HTML files at all.
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/path/to/file.css />
All the old CSS that doesn't use Scaffold works perfectly. And we can include a new scaffold CSS file by using:
@import url("./csscaffold.css?csscaffold");
In our CMS we are using Scaffold (well the old version). Originally we passed the CSS files via the urls as indicated in the Wiki by doing: <link rel='stylesheet' href='/scaffold/parse.php?file=/path/to/file.css />
In the older version we always had issues with Scaffold stuffing up url() CSS properties, so rather than rewriting we came up with the following .htaccess
This way we can still reference our CSS normally without touching our HTML files at all. <link rel='stylesheet' href='/path/to/file.css /> All the old CSS that doesn't use Scaffold works perfectly. And we can include a new scaffold CSS file by using: @import url("./csscaffold.css?csscaffold");