imDMK / DoubleJump

✨️ Efficient double jump plugin with many features and configuration possibilities.
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 2 forks source link

Make Double Jump only work on specific Boots or each pair of boots #10

Closed imDMK closed 1 year ago

imDMK commented 1 year ago

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Originally posted by **Kevin-Hs** July 19, 2023 hello great developer This is a great plugin I have a suggestion Make Double Jump only work on specific Boots or each pair of boots The server can make this Boots only available to specific users, and can also sell Boots in the store example: Only allow Double Jump Boots: true # Only use the Double Jump Boots ability with certain Boots Double Jump Boots Name: '&7Double Jump Boots' Double Jump Boots lore: - "Double Jump" -null When the above configuration is established, it is recommended to add an administrator command /DoubleJump give DoubleJumpBoots # Give an Double Jump Boots Thank you for developing this awesome plugin