imDMK / DoubleJump

✨️ Efficient double jump plugin with many features and configuration possibilities.
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 3 forks source link

World Guard Region bug #48

Closed shneckle28 closed 4 months ago

shneckle28 commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

For some reason when I try and use this plugin on my hub world I cant because it says its blocked in my worldguard region. I have checked config and made sure that I do not have my region blocked.

How do you trigger it? I get this error by doing /double jump

Console log Paste the logs from the server console here.

There are no errors in log

Server version 1.20.4

Plugin version Most recent update 2.1.4

Plugin configuration Paste here your plugin configuration. #

Configuration file for the DoubleJump plugin.


If you have a problem with plugin configuration, please create an issue on the project's github.

However, if you like the plugin, leave a star for the project on GitHub.

Support site:



Specifies whether to check for a new plug-in version when the administrator joins the server

I highly recommend enabling this option

checkForUpdate: true

Double jump use permission

doubleJumpUsePermission: doublejump.use

Command settings


Specifies whether "/doublejump" command should be enabled

doubleJumpEnabled: true

Jump settings


Specifies whether to enable double jump mode for the player when he joins the server

NOTE: The player must have double jump permission

enableJumpModeOnJoinForPlayers: true

Specifies whether to enable double jump mode for the administrator when he joins the server

NOTE: The player must have double jump permission and OP

enableJumpModeOnJoinForAdmins: true

Whether double jump fall damage is enabled or not

jumpFallDamageEnabled: true

Jump multiplier

jumpMultiple: 0.3

The value of how much up the jump is to be made

jumpUp: 0.6 #

Jump sound settings

# soundSettings:

Specifies whether to enable double jump sound

enabled: true
# Specifies whether nearby players should hear the jump sound
playNearbyEnabled: true
# Specifies the distance in X coordinates at which the jump sound should be played
playNearbyX: 5.0
# Specifies the distance in Y coordinates at which the jump sound should be played
playNearbyY: 5.0
# Specifies the distance in Z coordinates at which the jump sound should be played
playNearbyZ: 5.0
# List of available sounds:
  volume: 0.2
  pitch: 1.0
  volume: 0.15
  pitch: 1.0


Jump particle settings

# particleSettings:

Specifies whether particles during a double jump are to be enabled

enabled: true
# List of particles during a double jump
# Available particles:
# Available colors:
- particle: NOTE
  color: WHITE
  size: 20
  count: 3
  offsetX: 2.0
  offsetY: 0.0
  offsetZ: 0.0
  extra: 0.0
- particle: REDSTONE
  color: WHITE
  size: 40
  count: 3
  offsetX: 2.0
  offsetY: 0.0
  offsetZ: 0.0
  extra: 0.0


Jump restrictions settings

# restrictionSettings:

Restriction of regions where the player will not be able to double-jump

# The WorldGuard plugin is required for this feature to work
  - example-region
# Restriction of worlds where the player will not be able to double-jump
  - example-world
# The restriction of the game modes during which the player will not be able to double-jump
# Jump restriction notification settings
  jumpDisabledRegion: "CHAT: <red>You are in disabled region"
  jumpDisabledGameMode: "CHAT: <red>You cannot use double jump on this game mode"
  jumpDisabledWorld: "CHAT: <red>You cannot use double jump in this world"
  targetInDisabledRegion: "CHAT: <red>The player is in disabled region"
  targetHasDisabledGameMode: "CHAT: <red>The player has a game mode that is disabled"
  targetInDisabledWorld: "CHAT: <red>The player is in disabled world"


Jump item settings

# itemSettings:

Specifies whether the item should be enabled

enabled: false
# Cancel jump item repair in anvil?
# If you allow it, the player will be able to repair the item, but will not be able to rename it (renaming will make the item inoperable)
cancelRepair: false
# Cancel enchant jump item in enchanting?
# If you disable this option, the plugin will start ignoring enchantments on items when checking if a player has a jump item
cancelEnchant: true
# Jump item
  material: DIAMOND_BOOTS
    display-name: "<red>DOUBLE JUMP"
    - ""
    - "<red>This is double jump item!"
    - ""
      unbreaking: 10
# Jump item usage settings
  # This specifies the use of a double jump
  # Available usages:
  # HAVE_ITEM - The player must have the jump item in inventory
  # HOLD_ITEM - The player must hold the jump item
  # CLICK_ITEM - The player must right click item
  # WEAR_ITEM - The player must wear item
  usage: CLICK_ITEM
  # Specifies whether to cancel the use of the item
  cancel: false
  # Specifies whether to remove an item after using it
  delete: false
  # Specifies whether to reduce the durability of an item after using it
  # Example: 
  # reduceDurability: 5
  # The durability of the item will be reduced by 5
  # To disable, set the value to 0
  reduceDurability: 0
  # Specifies whether to double jump after using a jump item
  doubleJump: false
  # Specifies whether to cancel double jump mode after using a jump item
  disableDoubleJumpMode: false
  # Specifies whether to toggle double jump mode after using a jump item
  switchDoubleJumpMode: false
# Jump item drop settings
  # Specifies whether to cancel the item drop
  cancel: false
  # Specifies whether to remove the item after dropping it
  delete: false
  # Specifies whether to cancel double jump mode after dropping an item
  disableDoubleJumpMode: false
# Jump item notification settings
  jumpItemDisabled: "CHAT: <red>The jump item is disabled"
  # {PLAYER} - The name of the player for whom the jump item was added
  jumpItemAdded: "CHAT: <green>Added a jump item to player {PLAYER}"
  # {PLAYER} - The name of the player for whom the jump item was removed
  jumpItemRemoved: "CHAT: <green>Removed a jump item from player {PLAYER} inventory and ender chest"
  targetHasNoJumpItem: "CHAT: <red>The player has no jump item in inventory and ender chest"
  targetHasFullInventory: "CHAT: <red>The player has a full inventory"

Jump streak settings


Specifies whether to enable double jump series reset

enabled: true
# Specifies whether the jump streak will be reset when the player touches the ground
resetOnGround: false
# Specifies whether the jump streak will be reset when the player dies
resetOnDeath: true
# Jump streak notification settings
  # {STREAK} - New number of jump streak
  jumpStreakIncreased: "ACTIONBAR: <green>Yeah! Current streak: <dark_green>{STREAK}"
  jumpStreakHasBeenReset: "CHAT: <red>Ops! Your jump streak has been reset"

Jump delay settings


Specifies whether double jump delay should be enabled

enabled: true
# Specifies the double jump delay
# Example value: 1s, 5s, 1m
delay: 2s


Jump limit settings

# limitSettings:

Specifies whether the jump limit should be enabled

enabled: false
# The default value of the jump limit is if the player does not have permissions listed in limitsByPermission
limit: 1
# Jump limits by permissions
# Example:
# <PERMISSION: double-jump>: <LIMIT: 2>
# If a player has the "double-jump" permission, he will be assigned a jump limit of 2
# If not, he will be assigned a default jump limit value
  five-jump: 5
  double-jump: 2
  triple-jump: 3
# Specifies the delay after which one jump is to be renewed for the player
# If you want to disable jump regeneration, set the value to 0s
regenerationDelay: 3s
# Jump limit notification settings
  jumpLimit: "CHAT: <red>You have no more jumps"
  jumpLimitReceived: "CHAT: <green>You received one jump"
  # {TIME} - Time left until get one double jump
  jumpLimitRegenerationDelay: "CHAT: <red>You must wait {TIME} to get next jump"


Jump notification settings

# notificationSettings:

{TIME} - Time remaining until double jump can be used

jumpDelay: "CHAT: <red>You must wait {TIME} before next double jump"
jumpModeEnabled: "CHAT: <green>Enabled double jump mode!"
jumpModeDisabled: "CHAT: <red>Disabled double jump mode!"
# {PLAYER} - The name of the player for whom double jump mode has been enabled
jumpModeEnabledFor: "CHAT: <green>Enabled double jump mode for player {PLAYER}"
# {PLAYER} - The name of the player for whom double jump mode has been disabled
jumpModeDisabledFor: "CHAT: <red>Disabled double jump mode for player {PLAYER}"

Notification settings

notificationSettings: playerNotFound: "CHAT: No player found with the given name"

{PERMISSIONS} - Required permissions to use the command

missingPermissions: "CHAT: Missing permissions: {PERMISSIONS}"

{USAGE} - Correct use of the command

invalidUsage: "CHAT: Invalid usage: {USAGE}"

Used when there is more than one option for using a command

invalidUsageListFirst: "CHAT: Invalid usage:"

{USAGE} - Correct use of the command

Used when there is more than one option for using a command

invalidUsageList: "CHAT: - {USAGE}"

Placeholder settings


Message shown after using the placeholder if it returns true.


whenTrueMessage: 'Available'

Placeholder 'jump-player-is-delay' will return 'Available' when player doesn't have delay

whenTrueMessage: 'yes'

Message shown after using the placeholder if it returns false.


whenFalseMessage: 'Cooldown'

Placeholder 'jump-player-is-delay' will return 'Cooldown' when player have delay

whenFalseMessage: 'no'

Screenshots or Video If applicable, add screenshots or link to video to help explain your problem.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

imDMK commented 4 months ago

Hi, thanks for the issue.

From your plugin configuration, only a region called "example-region" can be used. Its value is WHITELIST - a white list that only allows doublejump on it and blocks others.

`regionRestriction: type: WHITELIST list:

Let me know if you fixed this issue! Regards.

shneckle28 commented 4 months ago

Yup that did it, Thank you very much. Another thing that I would love to see is a /doublejump config reload command. Other than that thank you so much for your help and quick answer.

imDMK commented 4 months ago

Yup that did it, Thank you very much. Another thing that I would love to see is a /doublejump config reload command. Other than that thank you so much for your help and quick answer.

Yes, command for reload config is already implemeneted. Now i'm waiting to release update for compatibility new versions.

Wish you all the best.