imDMK / SpentTime

⏰️ Efficient plugin to check the time spent by players in the game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 1 forks source link

Using reset and reset-all without permission #54

Open krokha-konstantin opened 2 months ago

krokha-konstantin commented 2 months ago

Any players can use reset commands. I haven't given anyone permission and I can't even forbid them using luckperms. Other commands work as intended (only used by op or if given permission by luckperms)

git-Purpur-2176 (MC: 1.20.4) SpentTime version 1.0.7

Config file:

# Configuration file for the SpentTime plugin.
# If you have a problem with plugin configuration, please create an issue on the project's github.
# However, if you like the plugin, leave a star for the project on GitHub.
# Support site:
# GitHub:
# Check for plugin update after the administrator join to server?
checkForUpdate: true
# Specifies how often the player's spent time should be saved in the database
# Including a spent time top update
# Recommended value: 10m
spentTimeSaveDelay: 10m
# Gui settings
  # This determines how many players are to be displayed in the player top
  # WARNING: Increasing this value may increase the consumption of database server resources
  # Recommended value: 10
  querySize: 20
  # The type of gui
  # Available types:
  # DISABLED - The list of players will be sent in the chat
  # STANDARD - Standard Gui that should be used when the player list does not exceed 10
  # PAGINATED - A Gui with pages that allow you to move between pages through items
  # SCROLLING - A Gui that allows you to scroll through items
  type: DISABLED
  # The title of spent time gui
  title: "<red>Топ проведённого времени<dark_gray>:"
  # Gui item settings
    # The head item name
    # {PLAYER} - The player name
    # {POSITION} - The player position
    # {TIME} - The player time
    headName: "<!italic><red>{POSITION}. <gray>Игрок <red>{PLAYER}"
    # The head item default lore
    - ""
    - "<!italic><green>Игрок провёл <red>{TIME} <green>на сервере<dark_gray>."
    - ""
    # The head item lore displayed when a player has permission to reset a player's spent time
    - ""
    - "<!italic><green>The player has spent <red>{TIME} <green>on the server<dark_gray>."
    - ""
    - "<!italic><red>Click {CLICK} <gray>to <red>reset {PLAYER} <gray>spent time."
    # What type of button does the admin need to click to reset the player's spent time using the gui?
    # When the admin clicks a different button than the set one, nothing will happen
    # ClickTypes:
    headClickType: SHIFT_RIGHT
    # Include the item that is around the gui?
    fillBorder: true
    # The item that is around the gui
    # Exit item
    # Set to -1 to disable
    exitItemSlot: 49
      material: ACACIA_BUTTON
        display-name: <red>Закрыть
    # Previous page item
    # Set to -1 to disable
    previousPageItemSlot: 46
      material: ARROW
        display-name: "<green>Предыдущая страница"
    # Used when the player clicks on the previous page but there is no page
      material: BARRIER
        display-name: "<red>Предыдущей страницы нет"
    # Next page item
    # Set to -1 to disable
    nextPageItemSlot: 52
      material: ARROW
        display-name: "<green>Следующая страница"
    # Used when the player clicks on the next page but there is no page
      material: BARRIER
        display-name: "<red>Следующей страницы нет"
# Scrolling gui settings
  # Specifies the direction in which the player list should move
  # Available directions:
  # HORIZONTAL - The items will be moving horizontally
  # VERTICAL - The items list will be moving vertically
  scrollType: VERTICAL
# Database settings
  # Database mode
  # Supported databases: SQLITE, MYSQL
  databaseMode: SQLITE
  hostname: localhost
  database: database
  username: root
  password: ExamplePassword1101
  port: 3306
# Notification settings
  # {TIME} - The spent player time
  playerSpentTime: "CHAT: <gray>Вы провели <red>{TIME} <gray>на сервере<dark_gray>."
  # {PLAYER} - Target name
  # {TIME} - Spent target time
  targetSpentTime: "CHAT: <gray>Игрок <green>{PLAYER} провёл <red>{TIME} на сервере<dark_gray>."
  topSpentTimeIsEmpty: "CHAT: <red>Топ проведённого времени пуст<dark_gray>."
  # Used when top spent time GUI is disabled
  topSpentTimeListFirst: "CHAT: <green>Топ 10 игроков по проведённому времени на серверу<dark_gray>:"
  # Used when top spent time GUI is disabled
  # {POSITION} - The player position
  # PLAYER} - The player name
  # {TIME} - The spent player time
  topSpentTimeList: "CHAT: <dark_gray>- <green>{POSITION} {PLAYER}<dark_gray>: <red>{TIME}"
  # {PLAYER} - The player name
  targetSpentTimeHasBeenReset: "CHAT: <green>Время игрока {PLAYER} было сброшенно<dark_gray>."
  globalSpentTimeHasBeenReset: "CHAT: <green>Время всех игроков было сброшенно<dark_gray>."
  # {PLAYER} - The player name
  # {TIME} - New spent player time
  targetSpentTimeHasBeenSet: "CHAT: <green>Время игрока {PLAYER} изменено на {TIME}<dark_gray>."
  # {PERMISSIONS} - Required permissions
  missingPermissions: "CHAT: <red>Недостаточно прав: <dark_red>{PERMISSIONS}<dark_gray>."
  playerNotFound: "CHAT: <red>Игрок не обнаружен<dark_gray>."
  # {USAGE} - Correct usage of command
  invalidUsage: "CHAT: <red>Неверное использование: <dark_red>{USAGE}<dark_gray>."
  # Used when there is more than one option to use a command
  invalidUsageFirst: "CHAT: <red>Неверное использование:"
  # {USAGE} - Correct usage of command
  # Used when there is more than one option to use a command
  invalidUsageList: "CHAT: <dark_gray>- <red>{USAGE}"

I've disabled GUI and translated most messages to Russian, which I suppose shouldn't cause any issues. I've tried to use spenttime without any other plugins installed and nothing changed

imDMK commented 2 months ago

Hi, thanks for the issue. This is a weird one.

Do other commands have permissions normally? The command has permissions set - I did not detect any error in my localhost tests. Please make sure you have the latest version of luckperms installed and if possible clear all permissions you have set.

krokha-konstantin commented 2 months ago

I've replicated this error by creating a new server from Purpur-2176, adding spenttime v1.0.7 to plugins folder and setting online-mode to false (I will only be able to test it with online-mode:true after 02.08). Nothing else, no other plugins, no permissions.

Downloading the latest luckperms version and doing this haven't changed anything, even after restart. I did save the changes image

Other commands still work as intended