Crashed in non-app: double.dart in double.~/
axis_chart_helper.dart in AxisChartHelper.iterateThroughAxis at line 38 within fl_chart
Called from: async_patch.dart in _SyncStarIterator.moveNext
axis_chart_painter.dart in AxisChartPainter.drawGrid at line 117 within fl_chart
axis_chart_painter.dart in AxisChartPainter.paint at line 47 within fl_chart
bar_chart_painter.dart in BarChartPainter.paint at line 52 within fl_chart
bar_chart_renderer.dart in RenderBarChart.paint at line 91 within fl_chart
Called from: object.dart in RenderObject._paintWithContext within flutter
I have a similar issue, UnsupportedError (Unsupported operation: Infinity or NaN toInt)Which happens whenever I put any chart inside a Row or a Column, linechart for example.
Maybe mzdm's issue is related to mine.
Describe the bug
To Reproduce I do not have reproduce sample - this came from Sentry and seems to be internal issue of this package. I found relevent