imablanco / Zoomy

Zoomy is an easy to use pinch-to-zoom Android library
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Zoomy for videos - Feature request #27

Open ishaan-khan opened 5 years ago

ishaan-khan commented 5 years ago

You've got an amazing library, If you can release an update with video zoom it'd great!

Please update if it is planned in the update pipeline.

imablanco commented 5 years ago

Not planned in the short-mid term cause this would require a full change on how the lib works (just making a Bitmap copy of the target).

faisalvv commented 4 years ago

For video Fixed.

implementation project(path: ':zoomy')

private void registerZoomy(PlayerView videoPlayerView, SimpleExoPlayer player){ Zoomy.Builder builder = new Zoomy.Builder(activity) .target(videoPlayerView,player,(PlayerView) videoPlayerView) .interpolator(new OvershootInterpolator()) .tapListener(new TapListener() { @Override public void onTap(View v) {"teyaar-faisal","single tap"); } }) .longPressListener(new LongPressListener() { @Override public void onLongPress(View v) {

            }).doubleTapListener(new DoubleTapListener() {
                public void onDoubleTap(View v) {

            }).zoomListener(new ZoomListener() {
                public void onViewStartedZooming(View view) {
          "teyaar-faisal","zoom out");

                public void onViewEndedZooming(View view) {
          "teyaar-faisal","zoom dismis");



Rehamgalal commented 4 years ago

@faisalvv It's working fine for videos thank you , only one issue after releasing the touch and ending the zooming the video is stopped only becoming an image