Open am-abudu opened 3 years ago
# Version of the configuration file
version: 5.1.0
# Icarus theme variant, can be "default" or "cyberpunk"
variant: default
# Path or URL to the website's logo
light: /images/logo.png
dark: /images/logo-dark.png
# Page metadata configurations
# URL or path to the website's icon
favicon: /favicon.ico
# Canonical URL of the current page
# Open Graph metadata
# Page title (og:title) (optional)
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Page type (og:type) (optional)
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
#type: blog
# Page URL (og:url) (optional)
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Page cover (og:image) (optional) Default to the Open Graph image or thumbnail of the page
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Site name (og:site_name) (optional)
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Page author (article:author) (optional)
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Page description (og:description) (optional)
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Twitter card type (twitter:card)
# Twitter ID (twitter:creator)
# Twitter ID (twitter:creator)
# Google+ profile link (deprecated)
# Facebook admin ID
# Facebook App ID
# Structured data of the page
# Page title (optional)
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Page description (optional)
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Page URL (optional)
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Page author (article:author) (optional)
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Page images (optional) Default to the Open Graph image or thumbnail of the page
# You should leave this blank for most of the time
# Additional HTML meta tags in an array
# Meta tag specified in <attribute>=<value> style
# E.g., name=theme-color;content=#123456 => <meta name="theme-color" content="#123456">
- ''
# URL or path to the website's RSS atom.xml
rss: /atom.xml
# Page top navigation bar configurations
# Naviagtion menu items
首页: /
时间轴: /archives/
分类: /categories/
标签: /tags/
网盘: ''
留言板: /messages/
友情链接: /friends/
关于: /about/
# Links to be shown on the right of the navigation bar
# Admin:
# icon: fas fa-cog
# url: ''
# Page footer configurations
# Links to be shown on the right of the footer section
Creative Commons:
icon: fab fa-creative-commons
url: ''
Attribution 4.0 International:
icon: fab fa-creative-commons-by
url: ''
copyright: '<a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">豫公网安备41010502005985</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">豫ICP备18017229号</a>'
# Article related configurations
# Code highlight settings
# Code highlight themes
theme: atom-one-light
# Show copy code button
clipboard: true
# Default folding status of the code blocks. Can be "", "folded", "unfolded"
fold: unfolded
# Whether to show thumbnail image for every article
thumbnail: true
# Whether to show estimated article reading time
readtime: true
# Whether to show updated time. For \"auto\", shows article update time only when page.updated is set and it is different from
update_time: auto
# Article licensing block
Creative Commons:
icon: fab fa-creative-commons
url: ''
'CC BY 4.0': ''
# og_image
og_image: /images/og_image.png
# Search plugin configurations
type: insight
json: /content.json
# Comment plugin configurations
# Name of the comment plugin
type: twikoo
js_url: /js/imaegoo/twikoo/1.6.31/twikoo.min.js
# type: utterances
# repo: imaegoo/
# issue_term: pathname
# label: utterances
# theme: preferred-color-scheme
# Donate plugin configurations
# Alipay donate button configurations
type: alipay
# Alipay qrcode image URL
qrcode: '/images/alipay.jpg'
# Wechat donate button configurations
type: wechat
# Wechat qrcode image URL
qrcode: '/images/wechat.png'
# Share plugin configurations
# Sidebar configurations.
# Please be noted that a sidebar is only visible when it has at least one widget
# Left sidebar configurations
# Whether the sidebar sticks to the top when page scrolls
sticky: true
# Right sidebar configurations
# Whether the sidebar sticks to the top when page scrolls
sticky: true
# Sidebar widget configurations
# Profile widget configurations
# Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar
position: left
type: profile
# Author name
author: iMaeGoo
# Author title
author_title: 虹墨空间站
# Author's current location
location: Zhengzhou, China
# URL or path to the avatar image
avatar: /images/avatar.jpg
# Whether show the rounded avatar image
avatar_rounded: true
# Email address for the Gravatar
# URL or path for the follow button
follow_link: ''
# Links to be shown on the bottom of the profile widget
icon: fab fa-github
url: ''
icon: fab fa-qq
url: ''
icon: fas fa-envelope
url: ''
icon: fas fa-rss
url: '/atom.xml'
# Archives widget configurations
# Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar
position: left
type: archives
group_by: monthly
format: 'YYYY 年 M 月'
# Categories widget configurations
# # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar
# position: left
# type: categories
# Tags widget configurations
# # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar
# position: left
# type: tags
# Recommendation links widget configurations
# # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar
# position: left
# type: links
# # Names and URLs of the sites
# links:
# maemoの風船が!: ''
# 米米的博客: ''
# 辣椒の酱: ''
# Sakitami的集装箱: ''
# 明月逐人归: ''
# 宇宙湾: ''
# Ray’s Blog: ''
# Google AdSense unit configurations
# # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar
# position: left
# type: adsense
# # AdSense client ID
# client_id: 'ca-pub-5716633754544549'
# # AdSense AD unit ID
# slot_id: '6035187824'
# Table of contents widget configurations
# Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar
position: right
type: toc
# Recent posts widget configurations
# Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar
position: right
type: recent_posts
limit: 5
# Twikoo new comment widget configurations
# Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar
position: right
type: twikoo_new
# Plugin configurations
# Enable page startup animations
animejs: false
# Show the "back to top" button
back_to_top: true
# netlify identity
netlify: false
# Baidu Analytics plugin settings
# Baidu Analytics tracking ID
tracking_id: # 4d5b97d11341c6f57b58fc622dc1ac38
# BuSuanZi site/page view counter
busuanzi: true
# Enable the lightGallery and Justified Gallery plugins
gallery: true
# Google Analytics plugin settings
# Google Analytics tracking ID
tracking_id: G-RCCCLYKRH5
# Hotjar user feedback plugin
# Hotjar site id
# Enable the KaTeX math typesetting supprot
katex: false
# Enable the MathJax math typesetting support
mathjax: false
# Enable the Outdated Browser plugin
outdated_browser: false
# Show a progress bar at top of the page on page loading
progressbar: false
# 同意对话框类型。可以为"info","opt-in",或"opt-out"
type: info
# 弹出框主题。可以为"block","edgeless",或"classic"
theme: edgeless
# 是否使弹出框固定,不随页面滚动而滚动
static: false
# 弹出框在屏幕上的位置
position: bottom-right
# 你网站的Cookie协议的URL
policyLink: '/cookies/'
# CDN provider settings
# Name or URL template of the JavaScript and/or stylesheet CDN provider
cdn: host
# Name or URL template of the webfont CDN provider
fontcdn: host
# Name or URL of the fontawesome icon font CDN provider
iconcdn: host
# Version of the configuration file version: 4.0.0 # Icarus theme variant, can be "default" or "cyberpunk" variant: default # Path or URL to the website's logo logo: light: /images/logo.png dark: /images/logo-dark.png # Page metadata configurations head: # URL or path to the website's icon favicon: /favicon.ico # Canonical URL of the current page #canonical_url: # Open Graph metadata # #open_graph: # Page title (og:title) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time #title: # Page type (og:type) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time #type: blog # Page URL (og:url) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time #url: # Page cover (og:image) (optional) Default to the Open Graph image or thumbnail of the page # You should leave this blank for most of the time #image: # Site name (og:site_name) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time #site_name: # Page author (article:author) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time #author: # Page description (og:description) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time #description: # Twitter card type (twitter:card) #twitter_card: # Twitter ID (twitter:creator) #twitter_id: # Twitter ID (twitter:creator) #twitter_site: # Google+ profile link (deprecated) #google_plus: # Facebook admin ID #fb_admins: # Facebook App ID #fb_app_id: # Structured data of the page # structured_data: # Page title (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time title: # Page description (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time description: # Page URL (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time url: # Page author (article:author) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time author: # Page images (optional) Default to the Open Graph image or thumbnail of the page # You should leave this blank for most of the time image: # Additional HTML meta tags in an array meta: # Meta tag specified in <attribute>=<value> style # E.g., name=theme-color;content=#123456 => <meta name="theme-color" content="#123456"> - '' # URL or path to the website's RSS atom.xml rss: /atom.xml # Page top navigation bar configurations navbar: # Naviagtion menu items menu: 首页: / 时间轴: /archives/ 分类: /categories/ 标签: /tags/ 网盘: '' 留言板: /messages/ 友情链接: /friends/ 关于: /about/ # Links to be shown on the right of the navigation bar links: # Admin: # icon: fas fa-cog # url: '' # Page footer configurations footer: # Links to be shown on the right of the footer section links: GitHub: icon: fab fa-github url: '' Creative Commons: icon: fab fa-creative-commons url: '' Attribution 4.0 International: icon: fab fa-creative-commons-by url: '' # Article related configurations article: # Code highlight settings highlight: # Code highlight themes # theme: atom-one-light # Show copy code button clipboard: true # Default folding status of the code blocks. Can be "", "folded", "unfolded" fold: unfolded # Whether to show thumbnail image for every article thumbnail: true # Whether to show estimated article reading time readtime: true # Article licensing block licenses: Creative Commons: icon: fab fa-creative-commons url: '' 'CC BY 4.0': '' # og_image og_image: /images/og_image.png # Search plugin configurations # search: type: insight # Comment plugin configurations # comment: # Name of the comment plugin type: twikoo envId: imaegoo-16fe3d jsUrl: # Donate plugin configurations donates: # Alipay donate button configurations - type: alipay # Alipay qrcode image URL qrcode: '/images/alipay.jpg' # Wechat donate button configurations - type: wechat # Wechat qrcode image URL qrcode: '/images/wechat.png' # Share plugin configurations # # Sidebar configurations. # Please be noted that a sidebar is only visible when it has at least one widget sidebar: # Left sidebar configurations left: # Whether the sidebar sticks to the top when page scrolls sticky: true # Right sidebar configurations right: # Whether the sidebar sticks to the top when page scrolls sticky: true # Sidebar widget configurations # widgets: # Profile widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: profile # Author name author: iMaeGoo # Author title author_title: 虹墨空间站 # Author's current location location: Shanghai, China # URL or path to the avatar image avatar: /images/avatar.jpg # Whether show the rounded avatar image avatar_rounded: true # Email address for the Gravatar gravatar: # URL or path for the follow button follow_link: '' # Links to be shown on the bottom of the profile widget social_links: Twitter: icon: fab fa-twitter url: '' QQ: icon: fab fa-qq url: 'tencent://message/?uin=29553407&' Mail: icon: fas fa-envelope url: '' RSS: icon: fas fa-rss url: '/atom.xml' # Archives widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: archives # Categories widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: categories # Tags widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: tags # Recommendation links widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: links # Names and URLs of the sites links: maemoの風船が!: '' 刘向洋的博客: '' 米米的博客: '' 辣椒の酱: '' Sakitami的集装箱: '' 明月逐人归: '' 宇宙湾: '' Ray’s Blog: '' 一见倾心: '' Flexiston: '' # Google AdSense unit configurations #- # # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar # position: left # type: adsense # # AdSense client ID # client_id: 'ca-pub-5716633754544549' # # AdSense AD unit ID # slot_id: '6035187824' # Table of contents widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: right type: toc # Recent posts widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: right type: recent_posts # Google FeedBurner email subscription widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: right type: subscribe_email # Hint text under the email input description: Powered by Google feedburner # Feedburner ID feedburner_id: 'imaegoo' # Plugin configurations plugins: # Enable page startup animations animejs: false # Show the "back to top" button back_to_top: true # Baidu Analytics plugin settings # baidu_analytics: # Baidu Analytics tracking ID tracking_id: 4d5b97d11341c6f57b58fc622dc1ac38 # BuSuanZi site/page view counter # busuanzi: true # Enable the lightGallery and Justified Gallery plugins # gallery: true # Google Analytics plugin settings # google_analytics: # Google Analytics tracking ID tracking_id: # Hotjar user feedback plugin # hotjar: # Hotjar site id site_id: # Enable the KaTeX math typesetting supprot # katex: false # Enable the MathJax math typesetting support # mathjax: false # Enable the Outdated Browser plugin # outdated_browser: false # Show a progress bar at top of the page on page loading progressbar: true # CDN provider settings # providers: # Name or URL template of the JavaScript and/or stylesheet CDN provider cdn: jsdelivr # Name or URL template of the webfont CDN provider fontcdn: host # Name or URL of the fontawesome icon font CDN provider iconcdn: host
大佬能分享一下配置文件吗,,感觉自定义了好多东西,有一些配置跟原版不太一样了 /捂脸