image-et-son / p600fw

GliGli based Prophet 600 firmware upgrade
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The action of the LFO amount pot should be smoother #63

Closed image-et-son closed 2 years ago

image-et-son commented 2 years ago

Idea would be to implement a curve like for the mod wheel but not introduce a patch parameter for the action curve. Instead old patch values should be mapped onto new ones.

matrix12x commented 2 years ago

I compiled the version currently pushed to GitHub (1520cc8) and this seems really smooth. nice work.

image-et-son commented 2 years ago

Thanks for testing this. I do have the feeling that the LFO amount impact on the different targets is not really balanced. In particular, the amount of VCA modulation is too weak compared to filter and frequency, e.g. in ranges where filter and frequency modulation is already wild, you cannot hear the VCA. Even though I don't like introducing menu parameters, I think it might be good to have a VCA strength parameter, or - better - to separate it from the oscillator selection, and have a switch "off, min, med, max" (which of course would be one reason not to think about re-designating the former LFO shape switch for VCA target activation).

Note: that parameter would be needed primarily for backward compatibility, of course.

matrix12x commented 2 years ago

Alpha 11 I confirm, very smooth

el-folie commented 2 years ago

I still hav a problem approaching high values for PWM to have a slow piercing modulation right at the brim of breakup to silence. I can´t fine-tune the LFO amount pot right to that point as it´s between 98 and 99 on my P600. To achieve that I need to add some mod wheel value of about 50. So maybe the LFO amount knob resolution approaching max at the top end could be a bit finer?

image-et-son commented 2 years ago

Hi, this would make it very complicated. Also, if it is a question of accuracy, the point you describe also strongly depends on the OSC PW setting. Maybe the action of the LFO amount is too strongly scaled? If I reduce it a bit, this would increase the accuracy of the LFO amount on the highest value.

BTW: when I played around with it a little I felt that I would like to reverse the polarity of the PW modulation compared to filter and pitch.

el-folie commented 2 years ago

Of course I fiddled around with the OSC PW setting too (to find the exact middle position of the PW wave form) to get as close to peircing nasal sound with LFO depth at min/max LFO travel as possible. It´s rally just the last peircing bit missing on the LFO amount knob (between 980too less and 99= already zero/silence) for that special piercing satisfying sound.

So yeah, maybe one bit less of resolution may fall right on the piercing PWM spot, while hopefully still let LFO amount 99 be zero/PW silence at the edges...

Polarity reversal would be interesting for any mod target of course, maybe that´d be something for the menue?

image-et-son commented 2 years ago

Action is too smooth now

el-folie commented 2 years ago

To me action the knob action feels good.