imagej / ImageJ

Public domain software for processing and analyzing scientific images
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Java Annotations don't work #162

Closed Edodums closed 1 year ago

Edodums commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to build an ImageJ/Fiji plugin. At first I tried to use ImageJ2 and ImageJ Legacy, that didn't work :

Now I want to use at least Google Guice (that supports Java 8 and above) for the Dependency Injection. I had to avoid using that, and that's a pain in the ass, because I've to write a lot of boilerplate to handle what I've could have done in 3 lines of code.

This is the ImageJ 1.x I'm using: Schermata 2022-05-13 alle 11 05 34

It seems also that exceptions that ImageJ could give are catched, so I don't even know what I'm doing wrong when I add annotations, without them the plugin is launched just fine.

I'll appreciate any response I'll be given.

ctrueden commented 1 year ago

@Edodums From your description, I am not sure what you are trying to achieve. Could you please share a sample project on GitHub, along with instructions on what goes wrong, and what you would expect to have happen instead?

Edodums commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry it was before my graduation and my brain cells didn't work properly 🤣 What I was trying to do at the time was using ImageJ2 and ImageJ-Legacy libraries. What I didn't know at the time was that for my plugin to work in the ImageJ 1.x app I needed to create an uber jar